Paroles de Chansons de Sadogoat

  1. Åpenbaring Av Dommedag
  2. Blasting Black Goat Attack
  3. Delusional Necrotic Carnage
  4. Destruction Of All Holiness
  5. Female Goat Perversion
  6. Final Goat Attack
  7. Fragile Being On The Altar
  8. Glories Of Mary
  9. Goatzone Massacra (1944)
  10. Holocaustal Slaughter of Christians
  11. In a Storm Of Hate And Hunger
  12. Incest And Brutality
  13. Necromantic Rites
  14. Nuclear Implosion
  15. Pentagram Goatrituals
  16. Permanent Return Of Cthulhu
  17. Phantasmagoria
  18. Revelation Of The Judgment Day
  19. Sacred Sodomy
  20. Sadogoat
  21. Sadomatic Goat Cult
  22. The Age of the Golden Goat
  23. The Apostasy
  24. The Rise of Shub-Niggurath
  25. The Sabbath of the Goat
  26. The Weeping of the Angels
  27. There Is No Silence In The Abyss
  28. Total Human Holocaust
  29. Unholy Blessings
  30. Virgins Goatlust

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