Vois-tu la chanson que tu aimes dans cette liste de chansons de Pizzicato Five ?
- Baby Love Child
- GoGo Dancer
- One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight
- The Night is Still Young
- 20th Century Girl
- 24 Decembre
- 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin' Groovy)
- A Message Song
- A New Song
- A Perfect World
- A Room With a View
- A World Without You
- Action Paintings
- Airplane
- Airplane '96
- All About the Married Life
- Aloha e Blues
- Arigato We Love You
- Arrivederci a Capri
- Audrey Hepburn Complex
- Baby
- Baby Mexican Rock
- Baby Portable Rock
- Bananas
- Bellissima '90
- Birth of Cool
- Bonjour
- Boy Meets Girl
- Brigitte Bardot T.N.T.
- Catchy
- Catwalk
- Catwalk ( in album Great White Wonder )
- Cdj
- Chicken Curry
- Cleopatra 2001
- Coda
- Concerto
- Contact
- Contact (Percolator Mix)
- Cornflakes
- Cosmic Blues
- Couples
- Darling of Discotheque
- Do Re Mi
- Domino
- Drinking Wine
- Eclipse
- Everytime We Say Goodbye
- Face B
- Fiorella with the Umbrella
- Fiorella with the Umbrella (Readymade 524 mix)
- Funky Love Child
- Gifted
- Gin-chan's Love Letter
- Ginza Red Oui Oui
- God Save the Queen
- Good
- Good (Samoan Attorney Mix)
- Goodbye Baby and Amen
- Groovy Is My Name
- Hallelujah Hari Krishna
- Happy Birthday
- Happy Ending
- Happy Sad
- Happy Sad (The Invictus Mix)
- Hard Luck Woman
- Hippie Day
- Holy Triangle
- Homesick Blues
- I (watashi)
- I Confess
- I Hear a Symphony
- I Wanna Be Like You
- Ice Cream Meltin' Mellow
- Ice Cream Meltin' Mellow (Marin Mix 1)
- Ice Cream Meltin' Mellow (Marin Mix 2)
- If I Were a Groupie
- Introduction
- Introduction (A Television Workshop )
- It's a Beautiful Day
- Jinx
- Jolly Bubbly Lovely
- K-i-s-s
- Kaimono-o Theme
- KDD (parikara*)
- La Guerre est Finie (War Is Over)
- La Regle du Jeu (Koi no Ruuru, Atarashii Ruuru)
- Lament No. 5
- le Guerre est finie
- Lemon Kiss (Like I Do)
- Let's Be Adult
- Let's Spend the Night Together
- Lip Service
- London-Paris
- Loudland!
- Love Again
- Love Love Show
- Love's Theme
- Lover's Rock
- Lovesong Lovesong
- Ma Vie, L'ete de Vie
- Mademoiselle
- Magic Carpet Ride
- Magic Twin Candle Tale
- Magical Connection
- Marble Index
- Me, Japanese Boy
- Mini Cooper
- Mon Amour Tokyo
- My Blue Heaven
- My Bossa Nova
- My Name is Jack
- Nata di Marzo
- Nicola
- Nonstop to Tokyo
- Odd Couple and the Others
- Ohayo
- On The Sunny Side Of The Street
- Party
- Past, Present, Future
- Peace Music
- Perfect World
- Planets
- Playboy, Playgirl
- Poetry Reading by Genqui Numata
- Porno 3003
- Potpourri
- Questions
- Rain Song
- Readymade FM
- Recession
- Recession, la Depression
- Rock 'n' Roll
- Rolls Royce
- Room Service
- Saga
- Satellite Hour
- September Song
- Serial Stories
- Serial Stories (in album Pizzicato Five )
- Seven O'Clock News
- Seventeen
- Sex Machine
- Shi-Ri-To-Ri
- Shock Treatment
- Shopping Bag
- Silent Night
- Sleeper
- Snowflakes
- Somebody's In Love With Somebody
- Spy vs. Spy
- Stars
- Starstruck
- Statue of Liberty
- Strawberry Sleighride
- Such a Beautiful Girl Like You
- Summertime, Summertime
- Sunday Impressions
- Superstar
- Swedish Girl
- Sweet Soul Review
- Sweet Thursday
- T.v.a.g.
- Taiyo no Mashita
- Telepathy
- Temptation Talk
- Thank You
- The Apartment
- The Awakening
- The Awakening (Demo Version)
- The Earth Goes Around
- The Great Invitations
- The International Pizzicato Five Mansion s
- The Night is Still Young (Live on KCRW)
- The Night is Still Young [remix]
- The Secret Garden
- The Sound of Music
- The Sweetest Girl
- The Swim
- The Work of God
- The World's Spinning at 45 RPM
- They All Laughed
- This Can't Be Love
- This Year's Girl #1
- This Year's Girl #2
- This Year's Girl #3
- This Year's Girl #4
- To Our Children's Children's Children
- Tokyo Mon Amour (Discotheque 96 mix)
- Tokyo, Mon Amour
- Tokyo's Coolest Sound
- Top 40
- Top Secret
- Topless Party
- Tout Tout Pour Ma Cherie
- Tout Va Bien
- Trailer Music
- Triste
- Triste (featuring readymade strings)
- Twiggy Twiggy
- Twiggy vs. James Bond
- Two Sleepy People
- Two Sleepy People (Authentic Stylee)
- Vacance
- Voyage a Tokyo (at the afternoon cafe)
- Week-end
- Welcome to the Circus
- What Now Our Love
- What's New Pussycat?
- Wild Strawberries
- World Standard
- xxxxxxxxxman
- Y.o.u.
- Yubikiri
Pizzicato Five est un groupe de pop japonais. Il est composé de six membres : Konishi Yasuharu, Maki Nomiya, K-Taro Takanami, Ryo Kamomiya, Mamiko Sasaki et Takao Tajima.
Pour découvrir les motifs des chansons de Pizzicato Five, il te suffit de lire attentivement les paroles de leurs chansons, et de faire attention non seulement à ce qu'elles disent, mais aussi à la façon dont elles sont construites.
Analyser les paroles des chansons de Pizzicato Five peut être très amusant et si tu aimes composer, cela peut t'aider à trouver des formules pour créer tes propres compositions.
Comme toujours, nous essayons de nous améliorer et de grandir, donc si tu n'as pas trouvé les paroles des chansons de Pizzicato Five que tu cherchais, reviens bientôt, car nous mettons fréquemment à jour nos bases de données pour offrir toutes les chansons de Pizzicato Five et de nombreux autres artistes le plus rapidement possible.