Nous avons compilé toutes les paroles des chansons de Coil que nous avons pu trouver pour que ceux qui, comme toi, cherchent des chansons de Coil, les trouvent regroupées en un seul endroit.
Vois-tu la chanson que tu aimes dans cette liste de chansons de Coil ?
- A Slip in the Marylebone Road
- A Warning from the Sun (for Fritz)
- A White Rainbow
- All The Pretty Little Horses
- Amber Rain
- Amethyst Deceivers
- An Apology
- An Emergency
- Aqua Regis
- Are You Shivering?
- Ascension
- Assassins of Hakim Bey
- At The Heart Of It All
- Babylero
- Backwards
- Baptism of Fire
- Batwings (A Limnal Hymn)
- Bee Stings
- Blood From The Air
- Blue
- Blue Rats
- Boy In a Suitcase
- Broccoli
- Broken Aura
- Careful What You Wish For
- Cathedral In Flames
- Cave Of Roses
- Chaostrophy
- Christ's Teeth
- Christmas is Now Drawing Near
- Circles Of Mania
- Clap
- Cold Cell
- Copacaballa
- Copal
- Dark River
- Decadent and Symmetrical
- Disco Hospital
- Ended
- Enochian Calling - (Sonnet Xc)
- Enochian Calling II - A
- Enochian Calling II - B
- Escalation
- Ether
- Finite Bees - (Sonnet XLIII)
- Fire Of The Green Dragon
- Fire of the Mind
- First Dark Ride
- For Us They Will
- Fuck You
- Further
- Further Back And Faster
- Glowworms / Waveforms
- Godhead
- Godhead Deathead
- Going Up
- Health and Deficiency: Love's Septic Domain
- Heartworms
- Heaven's Blade
- Herald
- I am the Green Child
- I Don't Get It
- I Don't Want to Be the One
- Is Suicide a Solution?
- It's in My Blood
- Kala
- Living N' Tha Streets
- Lorca Not Orca
- Lost Rivers of London
- Love's secret domain
- Madriiax
- Magnetic North
- Metal in the Head
- Montecute
- Moon’s Milk or Under an Unquiet Skull (Part 1)
- My Angel (Director's Cut)
- Nature Is a Language
- North
- Omlagus Garfungiloops
- Ostia (The Death Of Pasolini)
- Paint Me As a Dead Soul
- Panic
- Panic (12" Version)
- Paranoid Inlay
- Penetralia II
- pHILM #1 (vox)
- Poisons
- Queens of the Circulating Library
- Ravenous
- Red Birds Will Fly Out Of The East And Destroy Paris In a Night
- Red Queen
- Red Skeletons
- Refusal of Leave to Land
- Regel
- Restless Day
- Rosa Decidua
- S is for Sleep
- Sewn Open
- Sex with Sun Ra (Part 1 - Saturnalia)
- Sex with Sun Ra (Part 2 - Sigillaricia)
- Sicktone
- Slur
- Snow Falls into Military Temples
- Solar Lodge
- Something
- Strange Birds
- Summer Substructures
- Sun Ascension A
- Sun Ascension B
- Switches
- Tainted Love
- Tattooed Man
- Teenage Lightning
- Teenage Lightning (2005 Version)
- Tenderness Of Wolves
- The Anal Staircase
- The Auto-Asphyxiating Hierophant
- The Broken Wheel
- The Coppice Meat
- The Dark Age of Love
- The Dreamer is Still Asleep
- The Dreamer is Still Asleep - The Somnambulist in an Ambulance
- The First Five Minutes After Death
- The Gimp / Sometimes
- The Golden Section
- The Last Amethyst Deceiver
- The Sea Priestess
- The Sewage Worker's Birthday Party
- The Snow
- The Spoiler
- The Test
- The Wheel
- Things happen
- Things Happen (By Annie Anxiety-Bandez)
- Things We Never Had
- Tiny Golden Books
- Titan Arch
- Triple Sons and the One You Bury
- Triple Sun
- Truth
- Tudor Fruits
- Tunnel of Goats
- Ubu Noir
- Vii Madriiax B
- Viii Escalation a
- Viii Escalation B
- Violation
- Where Are You?
- Where Even The Darkness Is Something To See
- Who By Fire
- Who We Be
- Who'll Fall?
- Who'll Tell?
- Windowpane
Coil peut désigner :
un type de laser chimique (chemical oxygen iodine laser) particulièrement puissant ;
Coil, un groupe de musique britannique (1982-2004) ;
Coil, dans le domaine de la sidérurgie, un rouleau de feuilles de métal.
les coils (ressorts en anglais) sont des spires métalliques utilisées comme matériel d'occlusion endovasculaire.
Les paroles des chansons de Coil suivent souvent certains motifs que tu peux découvrir en y prêtant attention. Es-tu prêt à voir lesquels ?
Pour découvrir les motifs des chansons de Coil, il te suffit de lire attentivement les paroles de leurs chansons, et de faire attention non seulement à ce qu'elles disent, mais aussi à la façon dont elles sont construites.
Nous espérons que tu aimeras ces paroles de chansons de Coil, et qu'elles te seront utiles.