Ici, tu pourras savoir quelles sont les chansons de Ani DiFranco les plus recherchées.
- 32 Flavors
- Both Hands
- Pixie (Be Nice)
- The Diner
- The Million You Never Made
- 'Tis Of Thee
- 1,000,000
- 2nd Intermission
- 4th Of July
- 78% H2o
- 78% Water
- A Spade
- Adam And Eve
- Aids
- Ain't That The Way
- Akimbo
- Albacore
- All Of Nothing
- Alla This
- Amazing Grace
- Amendment
- Angel Food
- Angry Anymore
- Animal
- Anticipate
- Anyday
- As Is
- Asked You First
- Asking Too Much
- Astronaut (Ft Radiohead)
- Back Around
- Back Back Back
- Bliss Like This
- Blood In The Boardroom
- Bodily
- Born a Lion
- Brief Bus Stop
- Bubble
- Buildings And Bridges
- Callous
- Carry You Around
- Circe Of Light
- Circle Of Light
- Clip Clop Clack
- Cloud Blood
- Cold And Mean
- Come Away
- Come Away From It
- Comes a Time
- Coming Up
- Company
- Cradle And All
- Crime For Crime
- decree
- Deep Dish
- Dilate
- Do Re Me
- Dog Coffee
- Done Wrong
- Educated Guess
- Egos Like Hairdos
- Emancipated Minor
- Everest
- Every Angle
- Every State Line
- Evolve
- Face Up And Sing
- Fair Weather
- Falling Is Like This
- Feakshow
- Fierce Flawless
- Find a Fire
- Fire Door
- Fixing Her Hair
- Forest For The Trees
- Freakshow
- Fuck You
- Fuel
- Fuel (Spoken Word)
- Garden Of Simple
- Glass House
- God's Country
- Going Down
- Going Once
- Good Luck
- Good, Bad, Ugly
- Grand Canyon
- Gratitude
- Gravel
- Grey
- Half-assed
- Handsome Musician
- Hat Shaped Hat
- Hearse
- Heartbreak Even
- Hell Yeah
- Hello Birmingham
- Hello, Birmingham
- Here For Now
- Hide & Seek
- Hide And Seek
- Hour Follows Hour
- How Have You Been
- How Long Can It Last
- Hurricane
- Hypnotized
- I Know This Bar
- I'm No Heroine
- Icarus
- If He Tries Anything
- If It Isn't Her
- If Yr Not
- If Yr Or Not
- Imagine That
- Imperfectly
- In Here
- In Or Out
- In The Margins
- In The Way
- Independence Day
- Itch
- J
- Joyful Girl
- Jukebox
- Kazoointoit
- Know Now Then
- Knuckle Down
- Lag Time
- Landing Gear
- Letter To A John
- Letting The Telephone Ring
- Life Boat
- Light Of Some Kind
- Literal
- Little Plastic Castle
- Looking For The Holes
- Loom
- Lost Woman Song
- Make Me Stay
- Make Them Apologize
- Manhole
- Margins
- Mariachi
- Marrow
- Millennium theater
- Millennium Theatre
- Million You Never Made
- Minerva
- Modulation
- Monopoly
- Most Of The Time
- My I.Q.
- My Iq
- My Name Is Lisa Kalvelage
- Names And Dates And Times
- Napoleon
- Nicotine
- No Reason To Come Home
- North Main Street
- Not a Pretty Girl
- Not Angry Anymore
- Not So Soft
- O.k.
- Oh My My
- Old Old Song
- On Every Corner
- One More Night
- One Times One Times One
- Origame
- Origami
- Out Of Habit
- Out Of Range
- Outa Me, Onto You
- Outta Me, Onto You
- Overlap
- Pale Purple
- Paradigm
- Parameters
- Perfect Fingers
- Phase
- Pick Yer Nose
- Pixie
- Platforms
- Present/Infant
- Promiscuity
- Promised Land
- Providence
- Pulse
- Pulse (Bug Poem)
- Rain Check
- Reckoning
- Recoil
- Red Letter Year
- Reprieve
- Reprive
- Revelling
- Rock Paper Scissors
- Rockabye
- Roll With It
- Round A Pole
- Rush Hour
- School Night
- Second Intermession
- Second Intermission
- Seeing Eye Dog
- Self Evident
- Serpentine
- Served Faithfully
- Shameless
- She Says
- Shroud
- Shroud / house of fashion
- Shrug
- Shy
- Sick Of Me
- Silver Ingrid
- Sistersong
- Slide
- Small World
- Smiling Underneath
- So What
- Soft Shoulder
- Sorry I Am
- Spade
- Splinter
- Star Matter
- Studying Stones
- Subconscious
- Subdivision
- Submerged
- Subway
- Sunday Morning
- Superhero
- Swan Dive
- Swan Dive (tracução)
- Swim
- Swing
- Talk To Me Now
- Tamburitza Lingua
- The Arrival's Gate
- The Atom
- The Boys In Blue
- The Interview
- The Next Big Thing
- The Slant
- The Story
- The True Story Of What Was
- The Waiting Song
- The Whole Night
- This Bouquet
- Tiptoe
- To Be Free
- To The Teeth
- Trickle Down
- Two Little Girls
- Unrequited
- Untitled
- Untouchable Face
- Untouchable Face [tradução]
- Unworry
- Up Up Up Up Up
- Up Up Up Up Up Up
- Used To You
- Virtue
- Waiting For Susan
- Way Tight
- Welcome To
- What How When Where (Why Who)
- What If No One's Watching
- Whatall Is Nice
- When Doves Cry
- When I'M Gone
- Which Side Are You On?
- Willing To Fight
- Wish I May
- Wishin' And Hopin'
- Work Your Way Out
- Worthy
- You Each Time
- You Had Time
- Your House
- Your Next Bold Move
- Zoo
Ani DiFranco, née le 23 septembre 1970, est une chanteuse, guitariste autrice-compositrice progressiste et féministe américaine.
Il se peut que tu ne sois pas un grand fan de Ani DiFranco, peut-être es-tu ici pour une seule chanson de Ani DiFranco que tu aimes, mais jette un œil au reste, tu pourrais être surpris.
Nous te recommandons de visiter toutes les paroles des chansons de Ani DiFranco, tu pourrais tomber amoureux de certaines que tu ne connaissais pas encore.
Il arrive souvent que lorsque tu aimes une chanson d'un groupe ou d'un artiste en particulier, tu aimes aussi d'autres de leurs chansons. Donc, si tu aimes une chanson de Ani DiFranco, il est probable que tu aimes beaucoup d'autres chansons de Ani DiFranco.
Les paroles des chansons de Ani DiFranco suivent souvent certains motifs que tu peux découvrir en y prêtant attention. Es-tu prêt à voir lesquels ?
Analyser les paroles des chansons de Ani DiFranco peut être très amusant et si tu aimes composer, cela peut t'aider à trouver des formules pour créer tes propres compositions.
Nous espérons que tu aimeras ces paroles de chansons de Ani DiFranco, et qu'elles te seront utiles.
Parfois, les chansons de Ani DiFranco nous aident à exprimer ce que nous pensons ou ressentons. Est-ce ton cas ?