Paroles de 'Alcohol' par Y&T

Vous voulez connaître les paroles de Alcohol de Y&T ? Vous êtes au bon endroit.

Sur notre site web, nous avons les paroles complètes de la chanson Alcohol que vous recherchiez.

I went to a party just the other night
Well, everyone was there, it was out of sight
But after a while things got crazy
A fight was startin' over someone's old lady
Bottles were breakin' and the windows too
All because someone drank too much brew

Alcohol, alcohol
Tomorrow mornin' I'll be climbing the walls
Alcohol, alcohol
What I did tonight I don't want to recall
Well, you fight and you move and you get all
When you got a bottle of that crazy juice
Fight and shout and cause a brawl
When you're out drinkin' that alcohol
I know it's true, I just wanta tell you all
The meanest trip is alcohol

Alcohol, alcohol
Tomorrow mornin' I'll be sick as a dog
Alcohol, alcohol
Don't you know I don't dig it at all
Well, after the party I was drivin' home
Who did I see on the side of the road
Daniel P. in a V8 Ford
Spread-eagle on a police car door
The cop held a bottle in one of his hands
He said "Lookie here, Danny Boy, it's the
law of the land"

Alcohol, alcohol
Alright now Danny Boy, we're goin'
Downtown to City Hall
Alcohol, alcohol
Danny's sleepin' down at the city hall
I finally got home, I was goin' to bed
I remembered a bottle of Tequila I had hid
I undid the cap, I started to drink
My head got fuzzy, I couldn't think
I laid down, my bed took to shakin'
The walls were green, my gut was achin'

Alcohol, alcohol
Tomorrow mornin' I'll be climbin' the walls
Because of alcohol, alcohol
Oh, Dear Lord, I don't dig it at all
Alcohol, alcohol
Please help me out, Lord
Please, I can't stand it no more
Alcohol, alcohol
Tomorrow mornin' I'll be sick as a dog
Alcohol, alcohol
This hangover's got me by the...
By the
Alcohol, alcohol
Tomorrow mornin' I'll be sick as a dog
On that
Alcohol, alcohol
If we keep on drinkin' it's gonna kill us all
Alcohol, alcohol
Tomorrow mornin' I'll be climbin' the walls

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