Paroles de 'Beyond The Thunderclouds' par WolfSword

White icy grounds for the hunters to explore
Long endless night on the core of the forest

Passing through the Mount of Bear
We've spot the prey
After tracking it down for countless days
Now it's taking us far from home
Unknown lands, the sky is yet closing fast

Forgotten hole in the Universe
Far memory is our home

Ice, anger! Courage to slain
Frost, thunders bind us to the sky
Wind and blizzards fighting us again
We assembled, the hunters of the ice

Merciless Thundergod, you cast your fury on us
Icy knives and lighting torn the air as we thread

The test of the hunters, and now we are one less
Our brother motionless, his life was the fee to pay
Now, when your body rest in the snow
Let your soul rise up, fly beyond the thunderclouds!

Forgotten hole in the Universe
Far memory is our home

Ice, anger! Courage to slain
Frost, thunders bind us to the sky
Wind and blizzards fighting us again
We assembled, the hunters of the ice

Ice, anger, courage to slain
With my brothers in the frozen Hell

Ice, anger, courage to slain
Frost, thunders bind us to the sky
Wind and blizzards fighting us again
We assembled, the hunters of the ice

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Ce qui arrive plus souvent que nous le pensons est que les gens recherchent les paroles de Beyond The Thunderclouds parce qu'il y a un mot dans la chanson qu'ils ne comprennent pas bien et veulent s'assurer de ce qu'il dit.

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