Paroles de 'The Walking Dead (feat. Matty Mullins Of Memphis May Fire)' par Woe, Is Me

What makes you think you can get away with murder
& just walk away from fucking everything?
You'll be the walking dead.
You'll be the walking dead, with our wills around your neck.
So our advice to you is just keep running.
Run from everyone and everything.
What makes you think that you could put our name to shame? rest in peace is what they say, but how can you bury something that came from nothing; even though our dreams aren't dead?
And i just can't let this one go, so let's set the story straight. we will be heard,
No matter what the fuck it takes!
And i'll make you realize that you can place the blame, but you can't erase me from this game.
Because as long as there's you, i'll do what it takes to prove we're still the same.
So what the fuck are we waiting for? it's time we stand up for ourselves,
& if that doesn't make it clear enough then our friends are here to help.
We've been put down by everyone we thought we knew,
But we're just fine here 'cause we could never sink as low as you. the times have changed, the tables have turned.
I thought you'd get the point by now,
But i guess that you will never learn.
So just look out for yourself, it seems to be your past here's your ticket to hell, it seems you missed it last time.
Welcome to hell.
We've been put down by everyone we thought we knew,
But we're just fine here 'cause we could never sink as low as you. the times have changed, the tables turned.
I thought you'd get the point by now,
But i guess that you will never learn.
So now it's our turn to speak.
You'll have no choice but to hear us out,
When we tell them about the truth
And how you tried so hard to sell us out.
So just look out for yourself, it seems to be your past here's your ticket to hell, it seems you missed it last time.
So welcome to hell.

Il existe de nombreuses raisons de vouloir connaître les paroles de The Walking Dead (feat. Matty Mullins Of Memphis May Fire) de Woe, Is Me.

Savoir ce que disent les paroles de The Walking Dead (feat. Matty Mullins Of Memphis May Fire) nous permet de mettre plus de sentiment dans l'interprétation.

Si votre motivation pour avoir recherché les paroles de la chanson The Walking Dead (feat. Matty Mullins Of Memphis May Fire) était que vous l'adorez, nous espérons que vous pourrez profiter de la chanter.

Une raison très courante de rechercher les paroles de The Walking Dead (feat. Matty Mullins Of Memphis May Fire) est le fait de vouloir bien les connaître parce qu'elles nous font penser à une personne ou une situation spéciale.

Ce qui arrive plus souvent que nous le pensons est que les gens recherchent les paroles de The Walking Dead (feat. Matty Mullins Of Memphis May Fire) parce qu'il y a un mot dans la chanson qu'ils ne comprennent pas bien et veulent s'assurer de ce qu'il dit.

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