Paroles de 'Spinning' par With Confidence

Vous voulez connaître les paroles de Spinning de With Confidence ? Vous êtes au bon endroit.

Sur notre site web, nous avons les paroles complètes de la chanson Spinning que vous recherchiez.

Spinning est une chanson de With Confidence dont les paroles ont été innombrablement recherchées, c'est pourquoi nous avons décidé qu'elle méritait sa place sur ce site web, avec beaucoup d'autres paroles de chansons que les internautes souhaitent connaître.

Falling somewhere in between
What I loved and wanted
Losing everything I need
Crawling to the the start and then
You came out of the dark
While the world is spinning round, round, round

Take my hand into the night
Through the bars and faces
I think it's only you and I
In between the spaces
We're magnetic from the start
While the world is spinning round, round, round

So tell me where you wanna go
And tell me what you wanna know
I feel it deep within my bones
I'm spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning

We're going up against the tide
And I think you know it
In the morning we'll be flying
By Pacific oceans
Seven five three seven miles
While the world is spinning round, round, round

I wanna be the one to keep you warm at night
Think you're my reason for believin' things will be alright
I wanna come out and say it to you
All while the world is spinning round, round, round

So tell me where you wanna go
And tell me what you wanna know
I feel it deep within my bones
I'm spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning

Falling somewhere in between
What I loved and wanted
Losing everything I need
Falling to the the start and then
You came out of the dark
While the world is spinning round, round, round

So tell me where you wanna go
And tell me what you wanna know
I feel it deep within my bones
I'm spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning

And anything you wanna do
I wanna do it next to you
I think I've finally found my truth
I'm spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning

I'm spinning
I'm spinning
I feel it deep within my bones
I'm spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning

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