Nous avons compilé toutes les paroles des chansons de Wilco que nous avons pu trouver pour que ceux qui, comme toi, cherchent des chansons de Wilco, les trouvent regroupées en un seul endroit.
Vois-tu la chanson que tu aimes dans cette liste de chansons de Wilco ?
- How To Fight Loneliness
- Handshake Drugs
- Jesus, Etc
- Far Far Away
- If I Ever Was a Child
- Impossible Germany
- Love Is Everywhere (Beware)
- Random Name Generator
- Say You Miss Me
- Sky Blue Sky
- Someone To Lose
- You Are My Face
- (Was I) In Your Dreams
- A Lifetime To Find
- A Shot In The Arm
- Against The Law
- Airline To Heaven
- All Across The World
- All Lives, You Say?
- All You Fascists Are Bound To Lose
- Alone
- Ambulance
- An Empty Corner
- Another Man's Done Gone
- Any Major Dude Will Tell You
- Art Of Almost
- Ashes Of American Flags
- At Least That's What You Said
- At My Window Sad And Lonely
- Be Not So Fearful
- Before Us
- Bird Without A Tail / Base Of My Skull
- Birds And Ships
- Black Moon
- Black Wind Blowing
- Blasting Fonda
- Blood Of The Lamb
- Blue Eyed Soul
- Bob Dylan's 49th Beard
- Born Alone
- Box Full Of Letters
- Bright Leaves
- Bull Black Nova
- California Stars
- Camera
- Candyfloss
- Capitol City
- Cars can't escape
- Casino Queen
- Christ For President
- Citizens
- Cold Slope
- Common Sense
- Company In My Back
- Country Disappeared
- Country Song Upside-Down
- Cruel Country
- Cry All Day
- Darkness Is Cheap
- Dash 7
- Dawned On Me
- Deeper Down
- Dreamer In My Dreams
- Eisler On The Go
- Either Way
- Elt
- Everlasting Everything
- Everyone Hides
- Falling Apart (Right Now)
- Feed Of Man
- Forget The Flowers
- Glad It's Over
- Happiness
- Hate it Here
- Hearts Hard To Find
- Heavy Metal Drummer
- Hell Is Chrome
- Hesitating Beauty
- Hints
- Hold Me Anyway
- Hoodoo Voodoo
- Hot Rod Hotel
- Hotel Arizona
- Hummingbird
- I Am My Mother
- I Am Trying To Break Your Heart
- I Can't Stand It
- I Got You (At The End Of The Century)
- I Love My Label
- I Might
- I Must Be High
- I Thought I Held You
- I Was Born
- I'll fight
- I'm A Wheel
- I'm Always In Love
- I'm The Man Who Loves You
- In A Future Age
- Ingrid Bergman
- It's Just That Simple
- Joe Dimaggio Done It Again
- Just A Kid
- Just Say Goodbye
- Kamera
- Kicking Television
- King Of You
- Kingpin
- Leave Me (Like You Found Me)
- Less Than You Think
- Let Me Come Home
- Let's Not Get Carried Away
- Locator
- Magazine Called Sunset
- Magnetized
- Many Worlds
- Meanest Man
- Message From Mid-bar
- Misunderstood
- Monday
- More
- More Like The Moon
- More...
- Muzzle Of Bees
- My Darling
- My Flying Saucer
- Mystery Binds
- No More Poetry
- Nope
- Normal American Kids
- Not for the Season
- Nothing Up My Sleeve
- Nothingsevergonnastandinmyway(Again)
- On And On And On
- One And A Half Stars
- One By One
- One Sunday Morning (Song for Jane Smiley's Boyfriend)
- One True Vine
- One Wing
- Open Mind
- Outtasite (Outta Mind)
- Panthers
- Passenger Side
- Pick Up The Change
- Pickled Ginger
- Pieholden Suite
- Please Be Patient With Me
- Please Be Wrong
- Please Tell My Brother
- Poor Places
- Pot Kettle Black
- Quarters
- Quiet Amplifier
- Radio Cure
- Radio King
- Red-Eyed And Blue
- Remember The Mountain Bed
- Reservations
- Rhythm
- Rising Red Lung
- Sad Kind Of Way
- Secret Of The Sea
- Shake it Off
- She Came Along To Me
- She's a Jar
- Should've Been In Love
- Shouldn't Be Ashamed
- Shrug and Destroy
- Side With the Seeds
- Solitaire
- Someday Some Morning Sometime
- Someday Soon
- Someone Else's Song
- Sometimes It Happens
- Speak Into The Rose
- Spiders (Kidsmoke)
- Standing o
- Stetson Kennedy
- Story To Tell
- Summer Teeth
- Sunken Treasure
- Sunloathe
- Sunny Feeling
- Taste The Ceiling
- That's Not The Issue
- The Empty Condor
- The Good Part
- The High Heat
- The Joke Explained
- The Late Greats
- The Lonely 1
- The Plains
- The Thanks I Get
- The Universe
- The Unwelcome Guest
- The Weight (feat. Mavis Staples and Nick Lowe)
- Theologians
- Thirteen
- This Is New
- Tired Of Taking It Out On You
- Tonight's The Day
- Too Far Apart
- Unlikely Japan
- Venus Stopped the Train
- Via Chicago
- Walken
- Walt Whitman's Niece
- War On War
- Way Over Yonder In The Minor Key
- We Aren't the World (Safety Girl)
- We Were Lucky
- We're Just Friends
- What Light
- What's The World Got In Store
- When You Wake Up Feeling Old
- Where Do I Begin
- White Wooden Cross
- Whole Love
- Why Would You Wanna Live
- Wilco (the song)
- Wishful Thinking
- Won't Let You Down
- Woodgrain
- You And I
- You Never Know
- You Satellite
Wilco est un groupe de rock, folk rock et country rock contemporain américain originaire de Chicago (Illinois) issu en 1994 des cendres du groupe américain de country alternative Uncle Tupelo. La composition du groupe évolue fréquemment durant ses premières années, seuls le leader et chanteur Jeff Tweedy et le bassiste John Stirratt restant présents depuis l'origine. À partir de 2004, Wilco se stabilise sous forme de sextet avec, en plus de Tweedy et Stirratt, Nels Cline à la guitare, Glenn Kotche aux percussions, le multi-instrumentiste Pat Sansone et le pianiste Mikael Jorgensen. Durant sa carrière, Wilco publie onze albums studio, un double album live et des albums en collaboration avec Billy Bragg et The Minus 5.
Il se peut que tu ne sois pas un grand fan de Wilco, peut-être es-tu ici pour une seule chanson de Wilco que tu aimes, mais jette un œil au reste, tu pourrais être surpris.
Nous te recommandons de visiter toutes les paroles des chansons de Wilco, tu pourrais tomber amoureux de certaines que tu ne connaissais pas encore.
Parfois, les chansons de Wilco nous aident à exprimer ce que nous pensons ou ressentons. Est-ce ton cas ?