Paroles de 'Piece Of Shit' par West Buurbs

Vous voulez connaître les paroles de Piece Of Shit de West Buurbs ? Vous êtes au bon endroit.

Sur notre site web, nous avons les paroles complètes de la chanson Piece Of Shit que vous recherchiez.

Piece Of Shit est une chanson de West Buurbs dont les paroles ont été innombrablement recherchées, c'est pourquoi nous avons décidé qu'elle méritait sa place sur ce site web, avec beaucoup d'autres paroles de chansons que les internautes souhaitent connaître.

Si vous avez longtemps cherché les paroles de la chanson Piece Of Shit de West Buurbs, commencez à échauffer votre voix, car vous ne pourrez pas arrêter de la chanter.

Like i told you before, you can't be a don
Cause you don't got a job, and your name is juan
And just two weeks ago, you became an ex-con,
And got fucked in the ass by lyle mouton.
And you walked in your house, and all your furniture was gone,
And you're beggin com ed to turn your power back on
Now you're scratchin your head, don't understand what went wrong
Looked out the window and you see a burning cross on your lawn.

Looked in your wallet, didn't even have a quarter,
Looked in your pants, and your dick was getting shorter,
Saw your wife givin me head on your video recorder
Then you went to burger king, and they wouldn't take your order.
Someone came from behind, said get on ya knees
Tried to drive away, but you couldn't find your keys
Just for 5 dollars, stickin dicks in your mouth
Walked home to find a note that you're evicted from your house

I don't claim to be a genius but i'm not that dumb
But it's not a secret that i can't stand bums,
Never tryin to get a job, always beggin for my loot.
Always standing outside in a santa clause suit.
Or a paralyzed veteran of the veitnam war.
Then the cops come and he walks to another fuckin store.
With a crack pipe he goes to get another fuckin hit.
Here's a gun for your troubles you fuckin peice of shit!

I'm not a supremecist, i'm not in the clan,
I just think you should die if you come from japan
Cause they got small dicks and they got small hands
And they talk so fast that i can't understand
And there's 8 billion of them living on 100 feet of land
If they left it up to me, all the chinks would be banned
Then we ship then on a plane, to the middle of iran,
Let them die of thirst and rot and decompose in the sand

I'm sorry if i'm rude, i don't mean to snap
But i think we should open more concentration camps
I don't care if the jews want to live on my land,
But they're buying everything and it's getting out of hand.
Send a rocket full of c4 to jeruselum.
Then i blow up holly wood, and all the sports stadiums .
We can have a k9 unit sniff the jews at the border,
Or just build a gas chamber on every major corner.

Aids was put on the planet to kill
All the fags and if it doesn't then you know i will
Send them all to kansas city or wherever they please,
Let them fuck eachother till they all catch a disease
Shove a cork in thier dicks so they can't take a piss,
And crucify the faggots who catch syphillis,
Then we put them in the middle of a faggot bon fire.
And we clip off their nutz with a pair of rusty pliers

I don't like to judge, and i'm not prejudiced,
But i can't go to texas cause i cant stand hicks,
Always drivin pickup trucks and eatin toothpicks.
And right across the border you can see all the spics.
Jumpin in the river with a back pack of food,
Fitting 20 family members in a fuckin intertube.
It's always fun to drive by the river and park,
And watch their stupid asses get eaten by a shark.

Play Escuchar "Piece Of Shit" gratis en Amazon Unlimited

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