Trouve ici les paroles de tes chansons préférées de The Presidents of the United States of America.
- Lump
- Video Killed The Radio Star
- George Of The Jungle
- Love Everybody
- Peaches
- 5, 5000 Miles
- 5,500 Miles
- A luncatic to love
- Back Porch
- Basketball Dream
- Bath Of Fire
- Blank Baby
- Body
- Boll Weevil
- Born In Bellevue
- Brain On Yer Tung
- Bug City
- Ca Plane Pour Moi
- Can't Stop (Catchin' 'Em All)
- Candy
- Candy Cigarette
- Carolyn's Bootie
- Chocolate Dimension
- Christmas Piglet
- Clean Machine
- Cleveland Rocks
- Comin Around
- Confusion
- Death Star
- Deleter
- Devil In a Sleepin' Bag
- Dool At You
- Drool at You
- Dune Buggy
- Farm Foods
- Feather Pluckin'
- feather-pluckin
- Ffilm Party
- Flame Is Love
- French Girl
- Froggie
- Fuck California
- Gary's teeth
- Ghosts Are Everywhere
- Heading Out
- Highway Forever
- Hot Carl!
- I Got the Blue
- I Made Up
- I'm Mad
- Japan
- Jazz Guy
- Jeniffer's Jacket
- Jennifer's jacket
- Jupiter
- Kick Out the Jams
- Kitty
- Kommer En Kwel
- L.I.P
- L.I.P.
- Ladies And Gentlemen
- ladies and gentlemen PARTE II
- Ladies And Gentlemen, Part 1
- Ladies And Gentlemen, Part 2
- Ladybug
- Last Girl On Earth
- Let's Lynch The Landlord
- Little Champion
- Lonely Chicken
- Loose Balloon
- Love Delicatessen
- Lunatic to Love
- Mach 5
- Man (Aposable thumb)
- Man (opposable Tumb)
- Meanwhile Back In The City
- Mixed Up S.O.B.
- Mobile Home
- Monkey River
- More Bad Times
- More Rok!
- Munky River
- My Date With The President's Daughter
- Naked and Famous
- New York Groove
- Nothin But Love
- Novocaine Hurricane
- Novoicane Hurricane
- Nuthin But Luv
- Peaches (Corrected)
- PNW blue
- Poke And Destroy
- Poor Little Me
- Poor Turtle
- Puffy Little Shoes
- Radio Control
- Road Runner
- Robert Goulet
- Rot In The Sun
- Sharpen Up Those Fang
- Shortwave
- Shout It Out Loud
- Show Us Your Id
- Shreds Of Boa
- Slip Away
- Slow Slow Fly
- So Lo So Hi
- Some Postman
- Spoon Man
- Spoonman
- Stranger
- Sunshine
- Supermodel
- Supersonics
- Superstar
- Teenage Girl
- Tiger Bomb
- Tiki God
- Tiki Lounge God
- Tiny Christmas
- Tiny Explosions
- Too much
- Too Much Monkey Business
- Toob Amplifier
- Tremelo blooz
- Tremolo Blooz
- Truckstop Butterfly
- Tube Amplifier
- Tv Eye
- Twig
- Useless Crushes
- Vestina
- Volcano
- Wake Up
- Wake Up!
- Warhead
- We're Not Going To Make It
- We're not gonna make it
- Wither Without You
- Zero Friction
The Presidents of the United States of America (littéralement: Les Présidents des États-Unis d'Amérique), régulièrement abrégé PUSA, The Presidents of the USA, The Presidents ou encore Pot USA, est un groupe de rock alternatif américain, originaire de Seattle, dans l'État de Washington. Il est formé en 1993 et se sépare en 2016. Pendant 23 ans d'existence, le groupe compte un total de six albums studio.
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