Paroles de 'Tick Tick Boom' par The Hives

Två, tre, boom!

Yeah (yeah), I was right all along
Yeah (yeah), you come tagging along

Exhibit A on a tray, what you say
As I throw it in your face?
Exhibit B, what you see? Well, that's me
I'll put you back in your place

Yeah, I've done it before
And I can do it some more
So what you're waiting for?
Yeah, I was right all along

'Cause I have done it before
And I can do it some more
I got my eye on the score
I'm gonna cut to the core

It's too late, it's too soon
Or is it tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick?
Boom! Ha!

Oh, yeah (yeah) (yeah), I was right, you were wrong
Yeah (yeah) (yeah), going, going, you're gone
I saw you hesitating, waiting too much
Until it slipped through your hands
And then you stagger to your feet and out the door
'Cause there's no second chance (that's right)

'Cause I have done it before
And I can do it some more
I got my eye on the score
I'm gonna cut to the core

It's too late, it's too soon
Or is it tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick?
Boom! (Check it)

And you come crying to me, but it's too late
The man you try hard to be, but it's too late
Get your head out the sand, but it's too late
It's too late, too late, too late, too late, yeah

Oh, yeah, but it's too late
Yeah, but it's too late
You get your head out the sand, but it's too late
It's too late, too late

You know I've done it before
And I can do it some more
I got my eye on the score
I'm gonna cut to the core

You know I've done it before
And I can do it some more
I got my eye on the score
I'm gonna cut to the core

It's too late, it's too soon
It's too late, it's too soon
It's too late, it's too soon
Or is it tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick?

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