Nous avons compilé toutes les paroles des chansons de The Bear Quartet que nous avons pu trouver pour que ceux qui, comme toi, cherchent des chansons de The Bear Quartet, les trouvent regroupées en un seul endroit.
- 20
- A Freak Accident
- A Hole Was Dug
- All Boxes
- All Of A Sudden This Idiot Appears
- All Your Life
- Ambulance
- Ask Me Don't Axe Me
- At The Warehouse
- Bad On The Halo
- Bastard
- Battery
- Be A Stranger
- Before the Trenches
- Big Stretch
- Bitches Concept
- Blizzard
- Bob
- Born With Teeth
- Boss Dawn
- Break the Breaker's Parts
- Broke
- Brother John
- Capable
- Capital Breath
- Carsick
- Closure
- Cold Death
- Count Me In
- Cross Yawn
- Dad's Rifle
- Damn You, All of You
- Dead Speedy
- Desolation Reach
- Disappearing Act
- Drop Me Anywhere
- Earthly Pastime
- Eastbound
- Electric Chair
- Elvis Beach
- Engaged, Enraged, Erased
- European Sun
- Euthanasia
- Everlaster
- Everybody Gets to Play
- Fat Skeleton
- Fenceleaners
- Flux Detail
- For I Don't Know
- Friend Friend
- From Nowhere
- From The Well
- Fuck Your Slow Songs
- Ghosts For Laundry
- Gone Gone
- Grammar
- Great Thing
- Guilt Jazz
- Hawser
- Headacher
- Helpless
- High Noon
- His Spine
- Hot Meal
- Hrnn Hrnn
- Human Enough
- Hunchback
- I Am In The Way
- I Can Wait
- I Don't Need Light
- I Don't Wanna
- I Got The Door
- I Had A Job
- I Haven't
- I Never Saw the Ban
- I Remember Nights Wide Open
- I Want To Be Peaceful
- I Would Be Poor
- I'm Not In Here With You (you're In Here With Me)
- I'm Slow
- I'm Still Her
- I'm Still In The Grass
- If You Have a Heart
- Is He Dead Is He Dizzy
- It Only Takes a Flashlight to Create a Monster
- Just Locals
- Kept Fine
- Last Verb
- Layer
- Leaning Against a Parked Car
- Leave Me Alone
- Left on the Bank of the River
- Less a Lover More a Friend
- Let's Love
- Lights Out, Sound Off
- Lips
- Load It
- Lude
- Machine Gun
- Memo
- Mom and Dad
- Moon With a Beard
- Mountain
- MVH Contempt
- My Boxer
- Needs Vs. Facts
- No More School
- No One's Going To Say It Out Loud
- Not All Sounds Are Vowels
- Nowhere's Clearer
- Number
- Old Friends
- On Earth But Not Home
- One Final, Sandi
- Open the Door, Open
- Outnumbered
- P.R. Guy
- Penalist
- Placard
- Pluto
- Portrait Painter
- Power Failure
- Prayer
- Private Sue
- Punks
- Pup
- Puppy Hours
- Put Me Back Together
- Rehearsing to Cut the Last String
- Revisited
- Roads Home
- Same Old C/O
- Same Spell on Everyone
- Sandi Morning
- Second Halley
- Signal Box
- Slope Goings
- Smallest
- Someone
- Something Driven Through Me
- Speedy
- Spoon
- Star Canal
- Stores and Stolen Parts
- Straw
- Suits On For Sandi
- Super Confidence
- Tenderversion
- The Dog in the Boat
- The Juiceman
- The Last Ball
- Tibet
- Trust Island
- Tugboat
- Tuna
- Twinreceiver
- Upstart In Middle Class Hell
- Volksblues
- Walking Out
- Wear That Jacket
- What I Hate
- What's Your Virtue?
- Where Do You Put Your Hate?
- Who's Knocking
- World War III
- Wounded Knee
- You Built Your Life Upon the Ruins of Mine
Les paroles des chansons de The Bear Quartet suivent souvent certains motifs que tu peux découvrir en y prêtant attention. Es-tu prêt à voir lesquels ?
Pour découvrir les motifs des chansons de The Bear Quartet, il te suffit de lire attentivement les paroles de leurs chansons, et de faire attention non seulement à ce qu'elles disent, mais aussi à la façon dont elles sont construites.
Analyser les paroles des chansons de The Bear Quartet peut être très amusant et si tu aimes composer, cela peut t'aider à trouver des formules pour créer tes propres compositions.
Si tu as trouvé la chanson de The Bear Quartet que tu aimes dans cette liste, partage-la avec tes proches.
Parfois, les chansons de The Bear Quartet nous aident à exprimer ce que nous pensons ou ressentons. Est-ce ton cas ?