Nous avons compilé toutes les paroles des chansons de Tank que nous avons pu trouver pour que ceux qui, comme toi, cherchent des chansons de Tank, les trouvent regroupées en un seul endroit.
Vois-tu la chanson que tu aimes dans cette liste de chansons de Tank ?
- When We
- When We (remix) (feat. Trey Songz & Ty Dolla $ign)
- I Don't Think You're Ready
- Dirty
- Everything (feat. TreySongz & Ludacris)
- F It Up
- Showtime (Intro)
- Struck By Lightning
- Zhuan Shu Tian Shi
- (He Fell In Love With A) Stormtrooper
- (If We Go) We Go Down Fighting
- (The Hell They Must) Suffer
- 666 Packs
- A Life Astray
- Acid Death
- After All
- Alcohol
- Alcoholic Nightmares
- Alien
- Already In Love
- Always Them
- Amazing
- And Then We Hear the Thunder
- Another Perfect Day
- Atomic Twilight
- Away!
- Awesome
- Back It Up (feat. Jamie Foxx)
- Baneful Storm
- Barfly
- Be Where You Are
- Beautiful Agony
- Beermuda
- Behind The Back
- Betrayed
- Better Than Me
- Biting And Scratching
- Blood Guts And Beer
- Blood, Guts And Rock'n'Roll
- Bounce And Grind
- Breath Of The Pit
- Broken Image
- Brothers In Arms
- Can I
- Can't Get Down
- Can't Let It Show
- Celebration (feat. Drake)
- Centerfold
- Chain of Fools
- Chains (In Your Face)
- Chemical Invasion
- Cities In Flames
- Close
- Close Encounter
- Coldest
- Come Over
- Commandments
- Compliments
- Conflict
- Conflict Primeval
- Conspiracy of Hate
- Corpse
- Crawl Back Into Your Hole
- Crazy Horses
- Cry
- Cryptic Words
- Cyberworld
- Dance With Me
- Dancing On Our Grave
- Dark Exile
- Days Of The Gun
- Daze
- Death By Whips
- Death Penalty
- Designated Driver
- Desperation
- Diary Of a Mad Man
- Dirty (remix) (feat. Chris Brown, Feather & Rahky)
- Disco Destroyer
- Disturbia
- Do For Me
- Do You (feat. Candice Boyd & Keith Sweat)
- Don't Dream In The Dark
- Don't Give Up
- Don't Panic
- Dong Le
- Dreamer
- Echoes of a Distant Battle
- Empty Tankard
- Eye Of a Hurricane
- F.U.N.
- Face Of The Enemy
- Farewell To A Slut
- Feast Of The Devil
- Feed The Lohocla
- Filth Hounds Of Hades
- Flirtin' With Desaster
- Foreplay (feat. Chris Brown)
- Foreplay (Ft Chris Brown)
- Freibier
- Fuck Christmas
- Fuckin Wit Me
- Get Back
- Get To The Point (feat. Marques Houston)
- Goin' Downtown
- Good Thing
- Grave New World
- Great Expectations
- Hard Rock Dinosaur
- Heading For Eternity
- Healing The Wounds Of War
- Heaven
- Heavy Artillery
- Hell Bent For Jesus
- Help Yourself
- Hold On
- Honour and Blood
- Hope?
- Hot Dog Inferno
- Hot Lead, Cold Steel
- I (Won't Ever Let You Down)
- I Can't Wait
- I Hate U
- I Love Them Girls (feat. Timbaland)
- I Love U
- I Love Ya (feat. Yo Gotti)
- I Promise
- I Wish I Was Yours
- I'm Coming Home
- I'm Reason Why
- Idle Ghost
- If That's What It Takes
- In the Last Hours Before Dawn
- Incredible Loudness
- Inhaled
- It Ain't Worth
- It Bleeds Inside
- It Fell From The Sky
- Jimmy B. Bad
- Judgement Day
- Jurisdiction
- Just Like Something from Hell
- Justice For All
- Keep It 100
- Kill
- Kill 4 You
- Kill Or Be Killed
- Kings Of Beer
- Land Of The Free
- Laughing in the Face of Death
- Lay Ya Down
- Legacy
- Let It Go
- Light the Fire (Watch 'em Burn)
- Like Vultures
- Live To Dive
- Living a Fantasy
- Lonely (feat. Chris Brown)
- Lost
- Lost And Found (Tantrum Part 2)
- Lost It All
- Mainhattan
- Make a Little Time
- Make Me Wanna Sing
- Maniac Forces
- March On, Sons Of Nippon
- Maybe I Deserve
- Mechanical Man
- Mess In The West
- Minds On The Moon
- Mindwild
- Mirror Mirror
- Missing You
- Mon Cheri
- Money On The Floor
- Morning (feat. Vedo)
- Mr. Superlover
- My Block
- My Freak
- My Heart
- My Insanity
- Nation Over Nation
- Need Money For Beer
- New Liver Please!
- No Cap
- No Limit (feat. Alex Isley)
- Nobody Better
- None But The Brave
- Nothing On
- Notorious Scum
- Nowhere (feat. Busta Rhymes)
- Off Your Hands
- On My Way (feat. J. Valentine)
- One Man
- Only One
- Open All Night
- Pawns Of The Oracle
- Perfect
- Phoenix Rising
- Planet-Suicide
- Playing It Off
- Poison
- Poshor Golovar
- Positive
- Power Of The Hunter
- Puke
- Pure Hatred
- Queen Of Hearts
- R.T.V.
- Rectifier
- Red Skull Rock
- Regrets
- Reign Of Thunder
- Relationship Goals
- Remedy
- Retribution
- Return of the Filth Hounds
- Run Like Hell
- Rundown Quarter
- Same Way
- Savage
- Say The Word
- Scream
- See Through Love (feat. Chris Brown)
- Self Esteem
- Serial Killer
- Set Your Back On Fire
- Sex Music
- Sex, Love And Pain
- Sexy
- She With The Shit (feat. Rich Homie Quan)
- Shellshock
- Shit-Faced
- Sleeping With The Past
- Slow (feat. J Valentine)
- Slowly
- So Many Times
- So Vile
- Some Came Running
- Somebody Else (feat. JoJo)
- Song For The Dead
- Space Beer
- Spasms Of Upheaval
- Splendid Boyz
- Spoil Her Alert
- Stalingrad (Time Is Blood)
- Stars Girl (feat. Kevin McCall)
- Stay Where You Are (feat. J. Valentine)
- Still at War
- Still Holding On
- Stone Cold Sober
- Street Life
- Stronger
- Sunscars
- Symbiosis
- T-34
- T.A.N.K. 09
- Talk Show Prostitute
- Tankard Roach Motel
- Tantrum
- Tattoo Coward
- That Girl's Name Is Death (T.G.N.I.D.)
- That's What Dreams Are Made Of
- The Blood's Still on Their Hands
- The Chrysalis
- The Day After
- The Edge Of Time
- The Enemy Below
- The Fear Inside
- The Last Laugh
- The Meaning Of Life
- The Morning After
- The Story Of Mr.Cruel
- The War Drags Ever On
- The World Awaits
- This Means War
- Thrash Till Death
- Throw Your Hands Up
- Too Late
- Too Tired to Wait for Love
- Total Addiction
- Traitor
- Troubled Days
- Try Again
- Turn Your Head Around
- TV Hero
- Two-Faced
- U-R-B
- Ugly Beauty
- Ugly, Fat And Still Alive
- Underground (Atmosphere Hostile)
- Underrated
- Unleash The Craving
- Up From Zero
- Used Leather
- Valley of Tears
- Victim
- W.M.L.A.
- Walking Barefoot Over Glass
- Wanted
- War Dance
- War Machine
- War Nation
- We Are Us
- Wedding Song
- Wheel Of Rebirth
- When All Hell Freezes Over
- When It All Goes Down
- When the Hunter Becomes Hunted
- Who Dat
- Who Needs Love Songs
- Wings Of Heaven
- With Your Life
- World On Fire
- World Without Pity
- You Don't Know (feat. Wale)
- You Mean That Much
- You're My Star
- Your One
- Zero Dude
- Zombie Attack
Le mot tank peut avoir plusieurs significations :
un char de combat, le mot tankiste est également employé pour désigner le(s) soldat(s) à bord ;
un tank est un réservoir d'eau naturel ou artificiel du monde indien ;
un tank à lait est un réservoir réfrigéré contenant du lait, ou tout autre produit d'origine laitière ;
un récipient, cet usage est valide au Canada ;
une ponceuse à bandes stationnaire, ce terme est argotique
Il arrive souvent que lorsque tu aimes une chanson d'un groupe ou d'un artiste en particulier, tu aimes aussi d'autres de leurs chansons. Donc, si tu aimes une chanson de Tank, il est probable que tu aimes beaucoup d'autres chansons de Tank.
Les paroles des chansons de Tank suivent souvent certains motifs que tu peux découvrir en y prêtant attention. Es-tu prêt à voir lesquels ?
Pour découvrir les motifs des chansons de Tank, il te suffit de lire attentivement les paroles de leurs chansons, et de faire attention non seulement à ce qu'elles disent, mais aussi à la façon dont elles sont construites.
Analyser les paroles des chansons de Tank peut être très amusant et si tu aimes composer, cela peut t'aider à trouver des formules pour créer tes propres compositions.
Parfois, les chansons de Tank nous aident à exprimer ce que nous pensons ou ressentons. Est-ce ton cas ?