Paroles de 'Still Dreaming, Still Wishing' par Storm The Sky

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I still remember those days
When everything was perfect
Living a normal life
We were as close as a family could be
Oh what I’d give to go back to those days
But the shadows have consumed all the hope
That I had, you see my brave face?
I wear it in disgrace. Fuck
Just know, I’ll never look at you the same

How do I, get back to innocence?
I just want the family that I love, but you tore it all apart
Just take me back to the start
I’ll never see you the same (it’s tearing me apart)
And oh how it breaks me to say, that you made it this way

Every night, everyday, every lie along the way
I heard it all, oh I heard it all
I thought I was safe behind the door
But the screams came through
Yeah, the screams came through
Tell me now was it fucking worth it?
Was it worth it when the choices
That you made, led to losing more than you had gained
Tell me now was it fucking worth it?

How do I, get back to innocence?
I just want the family that I love, but you tore it all apart
Just take me back to the start
I’ll never see you the same (it’s tearing me apart)
And oh how it breaks me to say, that you made it this way

It wasn’t enough to break up the family that you loved
You left the place where you raised us
You found a new home and you broke our trust
How do you expect to show me the way
When the past stains every single word that you say?
I’m tired of longing for what will never be
A dream that yesterday will repeat itself to me
Has now turned into a nightmare that I see
Holding onto this dream has been destroying me
And I will always love you, I said I’ll always love you
But never again will I respect you

Il existe de nombreuses raisons de vouloir connaître les paroles de Still Dreaming, Still Wishing de Storm The Sky.

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