Aimes-tu les chansons de Stereophonics ? Ici, tu trouveras les paroles des chansons de Stereophonics pour que tu puisses les chanter à tue-tête, les adapter à ta façon ou simplement comprendre leur vrai sens.
Nous avons compilé toutes les paroles des chansons de Stereophonics que nous avons pu trouver pour que ceux qui, comme toi, cherchent des chansons de Stereophonics, les trouvent regroupées en un seul endroit.
- Maybe Tomorrow
- I Wanna Get Lost With You
- Dakota
- Since I Told You It's Over
- Fly Like An Eagle
- Indian Summer
- Best of you
- You're My Star
- All In One Night
- Can't Take My Eyes Off You
- Have A Nice Day
- Hurry Up And Wait
- A Thousand Trees
- C'est La Vie
- Don't Let Me Down
- Forever
- Gimme Shelter
- Graffiti On The Train
- Help me (She's out of her mind)
- Hungover For You
- It Means Nothing
- Just Looking
- Mr And Mrs Smith
- Video Games (Lana Del Rey Cover)
- 100 mph
- A Little Time
- A Minute Longer
- A Sound Like Footsteps
- All I Have Is You
- Am I Really Here?
- An Audience With Mr. Nice
- Angie
- As Long As We Beat The English
- Bank Holiday Monday
- Been Caught Cheating
- Beerbottle
- Before
- Before Anyone Knew Our Name
- Believe
- Better Than A Cure
- Billy Davey's Daughter
- blame (you never give me your money)
- Boy On A Bike
- Breaking Dawn (Written For Twilight)
- Bright Red Star
- Brother
- Bust This Town
- Buy Myself A Small Plane
- Call me Nº 5
- Caravan Holiday
- Carrot Cake And Wine
- Catacomb
- Caught By The Wind
- Chances Are
- Change Changes Things
- Chaos From The Top Down
- Check My Eyelids For Holes
- Chris Chambers
- Climbing The Wall
- Close Enough To Drive Home
- Cold
- Could You Be The One?
- Crush
- Cryin' In Your Beer
- Daisy Lane
- Dapper Dan
- Deadhead
- Devil
- Do Ya Feel My Love?
- Don't Know What Ya Got
- Don't Let The Devil Take Another Day
- Doorman
- Drive A Thousand Miles (Graffiti Sessions)
- Drowning
- Elevators
- Emily
- Every Dog Has Its Day
- Everyday I Think Of Money
- Fall
- Feel
- Fiddlers Green
- Fight or Flight
- Flood
- Geronimo
- Get Off My Front Page
- Getaway
- Girl
- Goldfish Bowl
- Grass Home
- Half The Lies You Tell Ain't True
- Hammerhead
- Handbags & Gladrags
- Hanging On Your Hinges
- Hangman
- Have wheels will travel
- Heart Of Gold
- Help me (She's out of her mind
- Helter Skelter
- High As The Ceiling
- Home To Me
- How?
- I Could lose ya
- I Got Your Number
- I Hope You're Happy
- I Just Wanted The Goods
- I Miss You Now
- I Stopped To Fill My Car Up
- I Wanna Be Your Dog
- I Wouldn't Believe Your Radio
- I´m Alright (You Gotta Go There To Come Back)
- I'm Alright (You Gotta Go There To Come Back)
- I'm Only Sleeping
- In a Moment
- In my day
- Innocent
- Into The World
- Is Yesterday, Tomorrow, Today?
- Jack In a Box
- Jealousy
- Katman
- Lady Luck
- Last Of The Bigtime Drinkers
- Leave The Light On
- Live 'n' Love
- Live Forever
- Local Boy In a Photograph
- Lolita
- Long Way Round
- Longer
- Looks Like Chaplin
- Lying In The Sun
- Lying To Myself
- Madame Helga
- Made a Mess Of Me
- Make Friends With The Morning
- Mama Told Me Not To Come
- Mamma Told Me Not To Come
- Maritim Belle Vue In Kiel
- Maybe
- More Life In A Tramps Vest
- Moviestar
- Mr. Writer
- My Friends
- My Hero
- My Own Worst Enemy
- Narcotic
- Never Going Down
- Nice To Be Out
- Nitedrive
- No One's Perfect
- Not Up To You
- Nothing Compares 2 U
- Nothing Precious At All
- Ooh La La
- Outside
- Overland
- Pass the buck
- Pedalpusher
- Piano For A Stripper
- Pick A Part That's New
- Plastic California
- Plastic California (Correct Version)
- Poppy day
- Positively 4th street
- Postmen Do No Make Great Movie Heros Make
- Ra Ra Ra Ra-Ness
- Rainbows And Pots Of Gold
- Raymond's Shop
- Reel
- Rewind
- Right Place Right Time
- Roll The Dice
- Roll Up And Shine
- Rooftop
- Running Round My Brain
- Same Size Feet
- Seen That Look Before
- She Takes Her Clothes Off
- She's Alright
- Shoeshine Boy
- Show Me How
- Sing Little Sister
- Soldiers Make Good Targets
- Something In The Way
- Sometimes
- Song For The Summer
- Soul
- Step On My Old Size Nines
- Stone
- Stuck In A Rut
- Summertime
- Sunny Afternoon
- Superman
- Suprise
- Surprise
- T-Shirt Sun Tan
- Take Me
- Taken a Tumble
- The Bartender And The Thief
- The Clichès Are True
- The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face
- The Last Resort
- The old laughing lady
- Tie Me Up Tie Me Down
- Too Many Sandwiches
- Traffic
- Trouble
- United
- Uppercut
- Vegas Two Times
- Violins And Tambourines
- Watch Them Fly Sundays
- We Share The Same Sun
- What's All The Fuss About?
- When You See It
- White Lies
- Who Are You (The Who Cover)
- Who'll stop the rain
- Wonder
- Would You Believe?
- You Sexy Thing
- You Stole My Money Honey
- You're My Soul
- Zoe
Stereophonics est un groupe de rock britannique, originaire de Cwmaman, au Pays de Galles. Formé en 1992, il est mené par Kelly Jones (chant, guitare, textes), et composé de Richard Jones (basse), Adam Zindani (guitare, chœurs) et Jamie Morrison (batterie).
Décrit comme « rock britannique classique accompagné d'un chant whiskey », le groupe est axé dans les genres rock alternatif et « rock traditionnel britannique ». Le premier album de Stereophonics, Word Gets Around, est publié en août 1997 et atteint la sixième place des classements britanniques, aidé par les singles Local Boy in the Photograph, More Life in a Tramps Vest et A Thousand Trees. Le groupe atteint le succès avec Performance and Cocktails (et ses singles promotionnels The Bartender and the Thief, Just Looking et Pick a Part That's New) en 1999, et compte désormais dix singles classés au top 10, ainsi qu'une chanson classée première, Dakota (en 2005). Stereophonics a vendu plus de dix millions d'exemplaires dans le monde,.
Il se peut que tu ne sois pas un grand fan de Stereophonics, peut-être es-tu ici pour une seule chanson de Stereophonics que tu aimes, mais jette un œil au reste, tu pourrais être surpris.
Comme toujours, nous essayons de nous améliorer et de grandir, donc si tu n'as pas trouvé les paroles des chansons de Stereophonics que tu cherchais, reviens bientôt, car nous mettons fréquemment à jour nos bases de données pour offrir toutes les chansons de Stereophonics et de nombreux autres artistes le plus rapidement possible.
Si tu as trouvé la chanson de Stereophonics que tu aimes dans cette liste, partage-la avec tes proches.
Parfois, les chansons de Stereophonics nous aident à exprimer ce que nous pensons ou ressentons. Est-ce ton cas ?