Trouve ici les paroles de tes chansons préférées de Starkid.
- Going Back To Hogwarts
- A Very Potter Musical - The Dragon Song
- A Very Potter Musical - Ginny Cho Chang
- A Very Potter Sequel - Stutter
- Days Of Summer
- Starship - Kick It Up A Notch
- A Very Potter Sequel - Harry Freakin Potter
- A Very Potter Musical - Goin Back To Hogwarts
- Status Quo
- A Very Potter Sequel - Hermione Cant Draw
- Starship - Life
- Starship - Kick It Up A Notch Reprise
- Holy Musical Bman - Dynamic Duet
- Holy Musical Bman - Dark Sad Lonely Knight
- Status Quo
- Holy Musical Bman
- A Very Potter Senior Year - Sidekick
- Senior Year
- When You Have To Go All The Way Home
- Wizard Of The Year Gilderoy
- A Very Potter Musical - Ginnys Song
- I Was
- Everything Ends
- Me And My Dick
- Twisted - Golden Rule
- Twisted - Take Off Your Clothes
- Twisted - A Thousand And One Nights
- Twisted - If I Believed
- Always Dance
- The Trail To Oregon - Wagon On Fire
- Harry Freakin Potter
- The Way I Do
- A Very Potter Musical - Harry
- A Very Potter Sequel - To Have A Home
- Firebringer - We Got Work To Do
- Firebringer - Fire
- Firebringer - We Are People Now
- Firebringer - Welcome To The Stone Age
- Firebringer - What If
- Firebringer - Just A Taste
- Firebringer - The Night Belongs To Us
- Firebringer - Into The Night
- Firebringer - Climate Change
- Firebringer - Paint Me
- Firebringer - Together
- Firebringer - Chorn
- Firebringer - Finale Make The Most Of It
- Twisted - Happy Ending
- The Trail To Oregon - When The Worlds At Stake
- The Guy Who Didnt Like Musicals - Show Stoppin Number
- The Guy Who Didnt Like Musicals - Let It Out
- The Guy Who Didnt Like Musicals - Inevitable
- The Guy Who Didnt Like Musicals - You Tied Up My Heart
- The Guy Who Didnt Like Musicals - The Guy Who Didnt Like Musicals
- Box Of Chocolates
- Even Though
- The Guy Who Didnt Like Musicals - Not Your Seed
- Twisted - No One Remembers Achmed
- The Guy Who Didnt Like Musicals - Join Us And Die
- The Trail To Oregon - You Gotta Go
- The Guy Who Didnt Like Musicals - Show Me Your Hands
- The Guy Who Didnt Like Musicals - Cup Of Roasted Poisoned Coffee
- The Guy Who Didnt Like Musicals - La Dee Dah Dah Day
- Twisted - Dream A Little Harder
- The Trail To Oregon - Independence
- Twisted - The Power In Me
- Firebringer - Jemillas Lament
- A Very Potter Musical - Not Alone
- Fancy Machine
- Twisted - I Steal Everything
- The Guy Who Didnt Like Musicals - America Is Great Again
- Holy Musical Bman - Rogues Are We
- Holy Musical Bman - The American Way
- A Very Potter Musical - Voldemort Is Going Down
- The Trail To Oregon - Speedrun
- The Trail To Oregon - Dysentery World
- Ani Medley
- Twisted - Twisted
- Black Friday
- Black Friday - Feast Or Famine
- Black Friday - Made In America
- Black Friday - Califormia
- Black Friday - Monsters And Men
- Black Friday - Wiggle
- Black Friday - What Tim Wants
- Black Friday - Take Me Back
- Black Friday - What Do You Say
- Black Friday - What If Tomorrow Comes
- Black Friday - Adore Me
- Black Friday - Tickle-Me Wiggly Jingle
- Black Friday - Do You Want To Play
- Ready To Go
- Listen To Your Heart Mamd
- Black Friday - Our Doors Are Open
- Black Friday - Deck The Halls Of Northville High
- A Very Potter Sequel - Gettin Along
- Holy Musical Bman - Super Friends
- A Very Potter Sequel - Guys Like Potter
- Starship - The Way I Do
- Little White Lie - Boy Toy
- Black Friday - Prologue
- Holy Musical Bman - Rogues Are We Reprise
- Little White Lie - I Still Think
- Nightmare Time
- The Trail To Oregon - Pays To Be An Animal
- The Trail To Oregon - Gone To Oregon
- The Trail To Oregon - Caulk The Wagon
- Ani - Long Ago And Far Away
- The Trail To Oregon - The Grind
- Vhs Christmas Carol - Priceless
- A Very Potter Senior Year - Tonight This School Is Mine
- Twisted - Orphaned At Thirty-Three
- Nightmare Time - Time Bastard
- Nightmare Time - Peanuts
- Nightmare Time - Forever And Always
- Nightmare Time - The Witch In The Web
- Nightmare Time - The Hatchetfield Ape Man
- Nightmare Time - With A Thousand Eyes
- The Guy Who Didnt Like Musicals - What Do You Want Paul
- A Very Potter Sequel - Not Over Yet
- Nightmare Time - The Blinky Song
- A Vhs Christmas Carol - 3 Spirits
Il se peut que tu ne sois pas un grand fan de Starkid, peut-être es-tu ici pour une seule chanson de Starkid que tu aimes, mais jette un œil au reste, tu pourrais être surpris.
Nous te recommandons de visiter toutes les paroles des chansons de Starkid, tu pourrais tomber amoureux de certaines que tu ne connaissais pas encore.
Il arrive souvent que lorsque tu aimes une chanson d'un groupe ou d'un artiste en particulier, tu aimes aussi d'autres de leurs chansons. Donc, si tu aimes une chanson de Starkid, il est probable que tu aimes beaucoup d'autres chansons de Starkid.
Analyser les paroles des chansons de Starkid peut être très amusant et si tu aimes composer, cela peut t'aider à trouver des formules pour créer tes propres compositions.
Nous espérons que tu aimeras ces paroles de chansons de Starkid, et qu'elles te seront utiles.
Si tu as trouvé la chanson de Starkid que tu aimes dans cette liste, partage-la avec tes proches.
Parfois, les chansons de Starkid nous aident à exprimer ce que nous pensons ou ressentons. Est-ce ton cas ?