Paroles de 'Silver Spring' par Speedy Ortiz

Vous voulez connaître les paroles de Silver Spring de Speedy Ortiz ? Vous êtes au bon endroit.

Sur notre site web, nous avons les paroles complètes de la chanson Silver Spring que vous recherchiez.

Show me mine
I'll show you yours
I'm discoverin'
Everybody's got bed sores
Bad or betterin
Clean the skin or scratch it off
There's no salvagin'
Bad skin suffering from the?

In a cave with shallow babes
Acting shallower
Got so sick of moons (?) and waves
Want something muddier
Legs tight squeezed around the knees
Guess I'm going nowhere
Why you wanna pull me out?

Hack up my face
You'll never drag me out alive
Stuck between a rock and another rock that's bigger
And though you look nice I'm staying trapped in this vice
Staring up at the mouth of the cave
Up at the mouth of the cave
Up at the mouth of the cave

Was this not the favorite place of other pioneers
Crazy is as crazy says
I'm not crazy here
You are am I just bored
Staring into an unknown dark
Crazy is now crazy talks

Hack up my face
You'll never drag me out alive
Stuck between a rock and another rock that's bigger
And though you look nice I'm staying trapped in this vice
Staring up at the mouth of the cave
Up at the mouth of the cave
Up at the mouth of the cave
You look nice, but I'm gonna take my own advice
Staring up at the mouth of the cave

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