Paroles de 'Faith' par Sheila Nicholls

Vous voulez connaître les paroles de Faith de Sheila Nicholls ? Vous êtes au bon endroit.

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Something rolling underneath my skin
I could not define it or invite it in
To let it in would be to liberate
To keep it in darkness is to propagate

It?s all about
Believing through something that you always doubt

When you have faith
You will be willing to wait
When you have faith
Through all that logic and haste
It?s never too late
So try to create
?Cuz the last thing that breaks, the last thing that breaks,
the last thing that breaks?
Is your faith

Something shouting from behind my eyes
I'm looking too closely to recognize
To gain perspective think it would be wise
Would you please listen while it testifies

It?s all about
Believing through something that you always doubt

When you have faith
You will be willing to wait
When you have faith
Through all that logic and haste
It?s never too late
So try to create
?Cuz the last thing that breaks, the last thing that breaks,
the last thing that breaks?
Is your faith

And I surrender to this storm
And taste the raindrops sweet and wet and warm
And may I never loose this faith I've found
It keeps me anchored down to solid ground
So let lightening flash and wind swirl around

When you have faith
You will be willing to wait
When you have faith
Through all that logic and haste
It?s never too late
So try to create
?Cuz the last thing that breaks, the last thing that breaks,
the last thing that breaks?
Is your faith

You have faith
(You have faith)
(You have faith)
(You have faith)

You have faith
(You have faith)
(You have faith)
(You have faith)

You have faith
(You have faith)


Il existe de nombreuses raisons de vouloir connaître les paroles de Faith de Sheila Nicholls.

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