Paroles de 'Peachtree Street (feat. Liz Gillies)' par Seth MacFarlane

Vous voulez connaître les paroles de Peachtree Street (feat. Liz Gillies) de Seth MacFarlane ? Vous êtes au bon endroit.

Sur notre site web, nous avons les paroles complètes de la chanson Peachtree Street (feat. Liz Gillies) que vous recherchiez.

Say, Seth, you wanna take a walk?
Well sure, sweetie, just pick a street
Picadilly Circus?
Oh, I'd rather not
Champs Elysees?
Mais, non
Times Square?

'Cause there's nothing can compare with
Strolling along Peachtree Street
With my baby on my arm
I got the sweetest peach in Georgia
And she just came off the farm
I'm gonna set my gem if on the main stem
Strolling along Peachtree Street
I'm happy as can be
I've gotta thank the state of Georgia for my baby's family tree
Everybody in Atlanta
Knows what a treasure I've found
I'm gonna set my gem upon the main stem
We'll spread a lot of little peaches all around
I feel like a new millionaire when I'm walking with my charm
Strolling along Peachtree Street
With my baby on my arm

You like Peachtree Street, Seth?
Oh, I love the place
But where are the peach trees?
Oh, we'll have to go back a few years for that
Well then, let's turn around

Can't you see me in a hoop skirt
Strolling along Peachtree Street
With a colonel on my arm?
And I can tell that you's from Georgia
Because you got that, uh, Georgia charm
Strolling along Peachtree street
I'm happy as can be
(Uh, Miss Lizzie)
(Yes, Seth?)
How come the sweetest peach in Georgia
Hails from Haworth, New Jersey?
(Let's not get it around)
We'll be married in Atlanta
One happy man and his spouse
And just as sure as you're born, we'll plant us some corn
And spread a lot of little kernels 'round the house
I feel like a new millionaire when I'm walking with my charm
Strolling along Peachtree street
With baby on my arm

Ah, say, Lizzie?
Yeah, what's the matter?
We should get outta here
There's a lotta people walkin' around without masks
Thanks so much

La raison la plus courante de vouloir connaître les paroles de Peachtree Street (feat. Liz Gillies) est que vous l'aimez beaucoup. Évident, n'est-ce pas ?

Quand on aime vraiment une chanson, comme cela pourrait être votre cas avec Peachtree Street (feat. Liz Gillies) de Seth MacFarlane, on souhaite pouvoir la chanter en connaissant bien les paroles.

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