Paroles de 'Wanted Man' par Sequoyah Prep School

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Hellllll yeah

Yeah, darlin I hate to tell you
That I'm a wanted man
I'm wanted in all 50 states and I'm wanted by the Mexicans
And I hate to say it but, it's pretty plain to see
That I'm very interesting so run away with me, let's run away

I been on the freeway, on 95
I'll take you down to New Orleans
and I'll make you my wife
How bout that Chevy girl, with you layin in the back
We can sleep the day away with you by my side, say yeah

Oh, darlin I hate to tell you
That I'm a wanted man
I'm wanted in all 50 states and I'm wanted by the Mexicans
And I hate to say it but, it's pretty plain to see
That I'm very interesting so run away with me, let's run away

I took my car to you white house,
you were the only one there
Oh, what you do to me when you wear that cotton dress
and those flowers you put in your hair
I sing to you by the river
You sing to me by your oak tree
And I would sing to you forever, if you run away with me
Let's run away

Darlin I hate to tell you
That I'm a wanted man
I'm wanted in all 50 states and I'm wanted by the Mexicans
And I hate to say it but, it's pretty plain to see
That I'm very interesting so run away with me, let's run away

Darlin I hate to tell you
That I'm a wanted man
I'm wanted in all 50 states and I'm wanted by the Mexicans
And I hate to say it but, it's pretty plain to see
That I'm very interesting so run away with me, let's run away
Let's run away
Let's run away
Let's run away

Darlin I hate to tell you
That I'm a wanted man
I'm wanted in all 50 states and I'm wanted by the Mexicans
And I hate to say it but, it's pretty plain to see
That I'm very interesting so run away with me, let's run away

Il existe de nombreuses raisons de vouloir connaître les paroles de Wanted Man de Sequoyah Prep School.

Une raison très courante de rechercher les paroles de Wanted Man est le fait de vouloir bien les connaître parce qu'elles nous font penser à une personne ou une situation spéciale.

Ce qui arrive plus souvent que nous le pensons est que les gens recherchent les paroles de Wanted Man parce qu'il y a un mot dans la chanson qu'ils ne comprennent pas bien et veulent s'assurer de ce qu'il dit.

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