Paroles de 'The Perfect Year' par Sarah Brightman

Sur notre site web, nous avons les paroles complètes de la chanson The Perfect Year que vous recherchiez.

Ring out the old, bring in the new
A midnight wish to share with you
Your lips are warm, my head is light
Were we in love before tonight?

I don't need a crowded ballroom everything I need is here
If your with me next year will be
The perfect year

No need to hear the music play,
You eyes say all there is to say
The stars can fade and they can shine
'Long as your face is next to mine

I don't need a crowded ball room everything I need is here
If your with me next year will be
The perfect year

We don't need a crowded ballroom everything we need is here
If your with me next year will be
The perfect year

It's New Year's Eve and hopes are high
Dance one year in, kiss one goodbye
Another chance, another start
So many dreams to tease the heart

We don't need a crowded ballroom everything we need is here
And face to face we will embrace
The perfect year
Oh, we don't need a crowded ballroom everything we need is here
And face to face we shall embrace
The perfect year
Ahh, the perfect year

Il existe de nombreuses raisons de vouloir connaître les paroles de The Perfect Year de Sarah Brightman.

Savoir ce que disent les paroles de The Perfect Year nous permet de mettre plus de sentiment dans l'interprétation.

Sentez-vous comme une star en chantant la chanson The Perfect Year de Sarah Brightman, même si votre public n'est que vos deux chats.

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