Vois-tu la chanson que tu aimes dans cette liste de chansons de Rosemary Clooney ?
- Memories Of You
- Mr. Rockefeller
- The Christmas Song (Merry Christmas to you)
- Up The Ladder To The Roof
- A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes
- Alabama Song
- All I Need To Know
- All Of A Sudden
- Alright, Okay, You Win
- Am I Blue
- As Dreams Go By
- As Time Goes By
- Baby Mine
- Baby, It's Cold Outside
- Bang, You're Dead
- Be My Lifes Companion
- Beast Of Burden
- Beautiful Brown Eyes
- Bed Of Roses
- Big Noise From Winnetka
- Big Noise From Winnetka - Divine Madness Version
- Big Socks
- Big Spender
- Billy-A-Dick
- Birds
- Bless You Child
- Blues In The Night
- Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy
- Botch A Me (ba-ba-baciami Piccina)
- Bottomless
- Boxing
- Breaking Up Somebodys Home
- Buckets Of Rain
- Color Of Roses
- Come Back, Jimmy Dean
- Come On-A My House
- Come Rain Or Come Shine
- Count Your Blessings
- Daytime Hustler
- Delta Dawn
- Do You Want To Dance
- Dreamland
- Drinking Again
- E Street Shuffle
- Empty Bed Blues
- Every Road Leads Back To You
- Everything Happens To Me
- Everything's Coming Up Roses
- Falling In Love Again
- Fat As I Am
- Favorite Waste Of Time
- Fever
- Fire Down Below
- For All We Know
- Friends (Side 2, Cut 1)
- Friends (Side 2, Cut 6)
- From A Distance
- God Give Me Strength
- Half As Much
- Hang On In There, Baby
- Happiness Is A Thing Called Joe
- Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
- He Needs Me
- He Was Too Good To Me / Since You Stayed Here
- He's A Tramp
- Heart Over Head
- Heaven
- Hello In There
- Hey There
- Higher And Higher
- Hurricane
- I Believe In You
- I Don't Want The Night To End
- I Know This Town
- I Know You By Heart
- I Love Being Here With You
- I Never Talk To Strangers
- I Remember You
- I Remember You / Dixie's Dream
- I Shall Be Released
- I Sold My Heart To The Junkman
- I Think It's Going To Rain Today
- I Will Follow You
- I'm A Woman
- I'm Beautiful
- I'm Hip
- I'm Singing Broadway
- I've Still Got My Health
- In My Life
- In The Cool, Cool, Cool Of The Evening
- In The Mood
- In These Shoes
- In This Life
- Is It Love
- Is That All There Is?
- It Came Upon A Midnight Clear
- It's Too Late
- Jingle Bells
- Just My Imagination (Running Away With Me)
- Keep On Rockin'
- La Vie En Rose
- Laughing Matters
- Leader Of The Pack
- Let Me Call You Sweetheart
- Let Me Drive
- Let Me Just Follow Behind
- Little Drummer Boy
- Long John Blues
- Love Me With A Feeling
- Love Says It's Waiting
- Love TKO
- Lullaby In Blue
- Make Yourself Comfortable
- Mambo Italiano
- Mangos
- Many A Wonderful Moment
- Marahuana
- Married Men
- Midnight In Memphis
- Millworker
- Miss Otis Regrets
- Moonlight Dancing
- Moses
- Mr. Goldstone
- Mr. Wonderful
- My Eye On You
- My Knight In Black Leather
- My Mother's Eyes
- My One True Friend
- Nanette
- Night And Day
- Night Before Christmas Song
- No Jestering
- Nobody Else But You
- Oh Industry
- Oh My My
- Old Cape Cod
- On A Slow Boat To China
- One For My Baby
- One Monkey Don't Stop No Show
- One More Round
- Only In Miami
- Optimistic Voices / Lullaby Of Broadway
- Otto Titsling
- P.S. I Love You
- Paradise
- Rain
- Ready To Begin Again
- Red
- Rose's Turn
- Rudolph The Red Nosed-Reindeer
- Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
- Say Goodbye To Hollywood
- Sentimental Journey
- Shining Star
- Shiver Me Timbers / Samedi Et Vendredi
- Silent Night
- Silver Bells
- Sisters
- Skylark
- Small World
- Soda And A Souvenir
- Sold My Soul To Rock 'n' Roll
- Some People
- Some People's Lives
- Song Of Bernadette
- Sophisticated Lady
- Spring Can Really Hang You Up The Most
- Stay With Me
- Storybook Children
- Strangers In The Night
- Stuff Like That There
- Summer (The First Time)
- Superstar
- Surabaya Johnny
- Suzy Snowflake
- Sway
- Tenderly
- That's How Heartaches Are Made
- That's How Love Moves
- The Folks Who Live On The Hill
- The Gift Of Love
- The Girl Is On To You
- The Glory Of Love
- The Key To My Heart
- The Last Time
- The Perfect Kiss
- The Rose
- There's No Business Like Show Business
- This Ole House
- To Comfort You
- To Deserve You
- Together, Wherever We Go
- Tragedy
- Twisted
- Ukulele Lady
- Under The Boardwalk
- Up! Up! Up!
- Uptown / Don't Say Nothin' Bad (About My Baby) / Da Doo Run Run
- When A Man Loves A Woman
- When Your Life Was Low
- White Christmas
- Who Kissed Me Last Night
- Whose Side Are You On?
- Wind Beneath My Wings
- Winter Wonderland
- Yellow Beach Umbrella
- You Can't Always Get What You Want
- You Don't Know Me
- You´re Just In Love
- You'll Never Get Away From Me
- You'll Never Know
- You're Moving Out Today
Rosemary Clooney est une chanteuse de jazz et une actrice américaine née le 23 mai 1928 à Maysville, Kentucky (États-Unis) et morte le 29 juin 2002 à Beverly Hills (Californie). Son style vocal fit d'elle une figure majeure du jazz vocal durant les années 1950, ce qui lui a permis d'enregistrer, en 1956, un disque avec Duke Ellington sur des arrangements de Billy Strayhorn, Blue Rose (en), devenu un classique du jazz. Elle joua dans quelques films musicaux entre 1951 et 1955.
Il se peut que tu ne sois pas un grand fan de Rosemary Clooney, peut-être es-tu ici pour une seule chanson de Rosemary Clooney que tu aimes, mais jette un œil au reste, tu pourrais être surpris.
Nous te recommandons de visiter toutes les paroles des chansons de Rosemary Clooney, tu pourrais tomber amoureux de certaines que tu ne connaissais pas encore.
Il arrive souvent que lorsque tu aimes une chanson d'un groupe ou d'un artiste en particulier, tu aimes aussi d'autres de leurs chansons. Donc, si tu aimes une chanson de Rosemary Clooney, il est probable que tu aimes beaucoup d'autres chansons de Rosemary Clooney.
Les paroles des chansons de Rosemary Clooney suivent souvent certains motifs que tu peux découvrir en y prêtant attention. Es-tu prêt à voir lesquels ?
Analyser les paroles des chansons de Rosemary Clooney peut être très amusant et si tu aimes composer, cela peut t'aider à trouver des formules pour créer tes propres compositions.
Nous espérons que tu aimeras ces paroles de chansons de Rosemary Clooney, et qu'elles te seront utiles.
Si tu as trouvé la chanson de Rosemary Clooney que tu aimes dans cette liste, partage-la avec tes proches.