Paroles de 'The Best Part Of Breakin Up' par The Ronettes

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baby, when we break up from a quarrel or a fight
i can't wait to have you back and hold you, oh, so tight
tell me why, i want to know-oh-oh
tell me why is it so-oh-oh
that the best part of breaking up is when you're making up
best part of breaking up is when you're making up
but, after breaking up, be sure you're making up with me

every time you leave, i get those teardrops in my eyes
but they seem to go away when you apologize
tell me why, i want to know-oh-oh
tell me why is it so-oh-oh
that the best part of breaking up is when you're making up
best part of breaking up is when you're making up
but, after breaking up, be sure you're making up with me

c'mon, baby, c'mon baby
don't say maybe
well, it makes no difference who was wrong
just as long as i'll be with you

baby, i'll be lonely till you're back where you should be
but, baby, i belong to you and you belong to me
tell me why, i want to know-oh-oh
tell me why is it so-oh-oh
that the best part of breaking up is when you're making up
best part of breaking up is when you're making up
but, after breaking up, be sure you're making up with

the best part of breaking up is when you know that you're making up with me

c'mon, baby, c'mon baby
don't say maybe

c'mon, baby

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