Nous avons compilé toutes les paroles des chansons de Rick Springfield que nous avons pu trouver pour que ceux qui, comme toi, cherchent des chansons de Rick Springfield, les trouvent regroupées en un seul endroit.
- Jessie's Girl
- Celebrate Youth
- Come On Everybody
- Don't Talk To Strangers
- The American Girl
- 1000 Years
- 1x2x3x4
- 3 Warning Shots
- 867-5309 (Jenny)
- A Sign Of Life
- Act Of Faith
- Affair Of The Heart
- Alien Virus
- All Day And All Of The Night
- Alyson
- Angels Of The Disappeared
- Another Rainy Night
- April 24, 1981
- Archangel
- Are You Going To Find Out
- Away In A Manger
- Bad Boy
- Beautiful Feelings
- Beautiful Prize
- Beautiful You
- Beethoven Street
- Believe In Me
- Big Beautiful Friday Night
- Black is Black
- Blue Rose
- Bop 'Til You Drop
- Born Out Of Time
- Brand New Feeling
- Broken Wings (feat. Richard Page)
- Bruce
- Calling All Girls
- Carol Of The Bells
- Carry Me Away
- Catch a Kiss
- Catch Me If You Can
- Child Within
- Christmas In Memphis
- Christmas With You
- Cold Feet
- Comic Book Heroes
- Cry
- Daddy's Pearl
- Dance This World Away
- Dancin’ On The Edge Of The World
- Deck The Halls
- Depravity
- Desperate Lives
- Do You Hear What I Hear?
- Do You Love Your Children
- Don't Keep The Sandman Waiting
- Don't Walk Away
- Doo Wah Diddy Diddy
- Dream In Colour
- Dreamtime Faeries
- Eat Your Hart Out
- Eden
- Eleanor Rigby
- Every Night I Wake Up Screaming
- Everybody's Cheating
- Everybody's Girl
- Evil Child
- For No One
- Forever
- Free
- Free & Easy
- Gabriel
- Get Off Of My Cloud
- Gloria
- God Blinked (Swing It Sister)
- God Gave You To Everyone
- God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
- Goldfever
- Guenevere
- Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
- Heaven
- Her Body Makes Vows
- His Last Words
- Hold Onto Your Dream
- Holding On To Yesterday
- Hole In My Heart
- Honeymoon
- Hooky Jo
- How Do You Talk To Girls
- Human
- Human Touch
- I Can't Stop Hurting You
- I Didn't Mean To Love You
- I Don't Want Anything From You
- I Found You
- I Get Excited
- I Hate Myself
- I Know That It's Magic
- I Need You
- I Saw Three Ships
- I Want You
- I'll Be Home For Christmas
- I'll Make You Happy
- I'll Miss That Someday
- I'm Not In Love
- I'm Your Superman
- I've Done Everything For You
- If We Can Help One Another
- If You Think You're Groovy
- Imagine
- In Veronica's head
- Inside Silvia
- Intergalactic Circus Of Wonders
- Is Everybody Happy?
- It Came Upon A Midnight Clear
- It's About Time
- It's Always Something
- It's Driving Me Crazy
- Jessica
- Jesus Saves
- Jet
- Joshua
- Just Gotta Sing
- Just One Kiss
- Just One Look
- Karma
- Kristina
- Language Of Love
- Let It Shine
- Let Me In
- Let's Go Out Tonite
- Life In A Northern Town
- Life Is A Celebration
- Like Father Like Son
- Lio
- Little Roland Lost
- Living In Oz
- Looking For The One
- Love Is Alright Tonight
- Love Is The Key
- Love Receiver
- Love Screws Me Up
- Love Somebody
- Lust
- Me & Johnny
- Medley
- Million Dollar Face
- Miss You Nights
- Miss Your Kiss
- Misty Water Woman
- Modern World
- Monty And Me
- Motel Eyes
- Mother Can You Carry Me
- Mr. PC
- Mr. Songwriter
- My Depression
- My DUI
- My Father's Chair
- My Last Heartbeat
- My Precious Little One
- New Lover
- Nothing Is Ever Lost
- O Come All Ye Faithful
- Oblivious
- Oh Little Town Of Bethlehem
- Old Gangsters Never Die
- On The Other Side
- One Broken Heart
- One Passenger
- One Reason
- One Way Street
- Ordinary Girl
- Our Ship's Sinking
- Perfect
- Prayer
- Psychoactive
- Red Hot & Blue Love
- Religion Of The Heart
- Rhythm Of The Beat
- River In Time
- Rock Of Life
- Rovianne
- Sailing
- Saint Sahara
- Say Goodnight
- Scandalous Life
- Sha La La
- She
- She's Allright
- Shock To My System
- Silent Night
- Sleepy Children
- Smile For The Camera
- Solitary One
- Somewhere
- Soul To Soul
- Souls
- Spanish Eyes
- Speak To The Sky
- Stand Up
- Stand Up For Love
- Starlight, Starbright
- State Of The Heart
- Still Crazy For You
- Strange Things
- Stranger
- Stranger In The House
- Streaking The Australian Way
- Superstition
- Suzanne
- Sweet Dreams
- Take A Hand
- Tao Of Heaven
- Taxi Dancing
- Tear It All Down
- That One
- The Ballad Of Annie Goodbody
- The Bug
- The First Noel
- The Freak
- The Great Lost Art Of Conversation
- The Human Sea
- The Invisible Girl
- The Liar
- The Light Of Love
- The Magic That Surrounds
- The Night Is A Friendly Color
- The Photograph
- The Power Of Love
- The Unhappy Ending
- Theme From Mission Magic
- Tiger By The Tail
- Time Stand Still
- Tonight
- Treat Me Gently In The Morning
- Under The Milky Way
- Up The Wooden Hills To Bedfordshire
- Venus In Overdrive
- Waiting For A Girl Like You
- Walk Like A Man
- Walking On The Edge
- Walking The Floor On My Hands Over You
- Wasted
- We're Gonna Have A Good Time
- Weep No More
- Welcome To The Rodeo
- What Child Is This?
- What Kind Of Fool Am I
- What Would The Children Think
- What's Victoria's Secret?
- Whenever I Call You Friend
- Where's All The Love
- White Room
- Who Killed Rock N' Roll
- Why Are You Waiting
- Why Don't You Dance
- Why?
- Wide Awake
- Will I ?
- Woman
- World Start Turning
- Written In Rock
- Yes I'm Glad
- You & Me
- You Better Get Going Now
- You Can Really Do It
- You Can't Judge A Book
- You'd Better Think Twice
- Your Psychopathic Mother
Rick Springfield (né Richard Lewis Springthorpe le 23 août 1949) est un auteur-compositeur-interprète et un acteur australien naturalisé Américain. De 1969 à 1971, il a été membre du groupe de pop rock Zoot (en), puis a commencé une carrière solo avec son premier single Speak to the Sky, qui a atteint le top 10 en Australie. Au milieu de l'année 1972, il déménage aux États-Unis.
En 1981, il atteint la première position aux États-Unis et en Australie avec Jessie's Girl (en), pour laquelle il gagne le Grammy Award du meilleur chanteur rock. 4 autres titres feront le top 10 aux États-Unis : I've Done Everything for You (en), Don't Talk to Strangers, Affair of the Heart (en) et Love Somebody. Deux de ses albums atteindront également ce sommet : Working Class Dog (en) (1981) et Success Hasn't Spoiled Me Yet (en) (1982).
Comme acteur, il tient le rôle du Dr Noah Drake (en) dans la série Hôpital central de 1981 à 1983 et de 2005 à 2008. En 2010, il publie son autobiographie Late, Late at Night: A Memoir.
Il se peut que tu ne sois pas un grand fan de Rick Springfield, peut-être es-tu ici pour une seule chanson de Rick Springfield que tu aimes, mais jette un œil au reste, tu pourrais être surpris.
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Pour découvrir les motifs des chansons de Rick Springfield, il te suffit de lire attentivement les paroles de leurs chansons, et de faire attention non seulement à ce qu'elles disent, mais aussi à la façon dont elles sont construites.
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