Paroles de ' Star Wars: The Saga ' par "Weird Al" Yankovic

Vous voulez connaître les paroles de Star Wars: The Saga de "Weird Al" Yankovic ? Vous êtes au bon endroit.

Sur notre site web, nous avons les paroles complètes de la chanson Star Wars: The Saga que vous recherchiez.

Vous adorez la chanson Star Wars: The Saga ? Vous ne comprenez pas tout à fait ce qu'elle dit ? Besoin des paroles de Star Wars: The Saga de "Weird Al" Yankovic ? Vous êtes au lieu qui a les réponses à vos désirs.

A long long time ago
In a galaxy far away
Naboo was under an attack

And I thought me and Qui Gon Jin
Could talk the federation into maybe cutting them a little Slack
But their response, it didn't thrill us
They locked the doors and tried to kill us
We escaped from that gas
And met Jar Jar in Bosnas
We took a bongo from the scene
And went to Theed to see the Queen
We all wound up on Tatooine
That's where we found this boy

Oh my, my this here Annakin guy
Maybe Vader someday later
Now he's just a small fry
And he left his home and kissed his mummy goodbye
Saying "Soon, I'm gonna be a Jedi"
"Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi."

Did you know this junkyard slave
Isn't even old enough to shave?
But he can use the force they say
Ah, do you see him hitting on the Queen?
Though he's just nine
And she's fourteen
Yeah, he's probably going to marry her some day

Well I know he built C3PO
And I've heard how fast his pod can go
And we were broke, it's true
So we made a wager or two

He was a pre-pubescent flying ace
And the minute Jabba started off that race
Well, I knew who would win first place
Oh yes, it was our boy

We started singing:

My, my this here Annakin guy
Maybe Vader someday later
Now he's just a small fry
And he left his home and kissed his mummy goodbye
Saying "Soon, I'm gonna be a Jedi"
"Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi."

Now we finally got to Coruscant
The Jedi council we knew would want
To see how good the boy could be
So we took him there and we told the tale
How his midichloreans readings were off the scale
And he might fulfill that prophesy

Oh the council was impressed of course
'Could he bring balance to the force?
They interviewed the kid
Oh training they forbid

Because Yoda sensed in him much fear
And Quigon said "Now listen here
Just stick it in your pointy ear
I still will teach this boy

He was singing:

My, my this here Annakin guy
Maybe Vader someday later
Now he's just a small fry
And he left his home and kissed his mummy goodbye
Saying "Soon, I'm gonna be a Jedi"
"Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi."

We caught a ride back to Naboo
'Cause Queen Amadala wanted to
I frankly would have liked to stay
We all fought in that epic war
And it wasn't long at all before
Little hotshot flew his plane
And saved the day

And in the end some gunguns died
Some ships blew up
And some pilots fried
A lot of folks were croakin'
The battle droids were broken
And the Jedi I admire most
Met up with Darth Maul
And now he's toast
I'm still here and he's a ghost
I guess I'll train this boy

And I was singin':

My, my this here Annakin guy
Maybe Vader someday later
Now he's just a small fry
And he left his home and kissed his mummy goodbye
Saying "Soon, I'm gonna be a Jedi"
"Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi."

We were singing:

My, my this here Annakin guy
Maybe Vader someday later
Now he's just a small fry
And he left his home and kissed his mummy goodbye
Saying "Soon, I'm gonna be a Jedi"
"Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi."

Il existe de nombreuses raisons de vouloir connaître les paroles de Star Wars: The Saga de "Weird Al" Yankovic.

Quand on aime vraiment une chanson, comme cela pourrait être votre cas avec Star Wars: The Saga de "Weird Al" Yankovic, on souhaite pouvoir la chanter en connaissant bien les paroles.

Savoir ce que disent les paroles de Star Wars: The Saga nous permet de mettre plus de sentiment dans l'interprétation.

Sentez-vous comme une star en chantant la chanson Star Wars: The Saga de "Weird Al" Yankovic, même si votre public n'est que vos deux chats.

Une raison très courante de rechercher les paroles de Star Wars: The Saga est le fait de vouloir bien les connaître parce qu'elles nous font penser à une personne ou une situation spéciale.

Ce qui arrive plus souvent que nous le pensons est que les gens recherchent les paroles de Star Wars: The Saga parce qu'il y a un mot dans la chanson qu'ils ne comprennent pas bien et veulent s'assurer de ce qu'il dit.

Il est important de noter que "Weird Al" Yankovic, lors des concerts en direct, n'a pas toujours été ou ne sera pas toujours fidèle aux paroles de la chanson Star Wars: The Saga ... Il est donc préférable de se concentrer sur ce que dit la chanson Star Wars: The Saga sur le disque.