Paroles de 'Pontiac 87' par Protomartyr

Vous voulez connaître les paroles de Pontiac 87 de Protomartyr ? Vous êtes au bon endroit.

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I recall seeing the pope
Pontiac 1987
Money changing between hands
Outside the Silverdome
Afterwards a riot broke
Old folks turned brutish
Trampling their way out the gates
Towards heaven

That fall from grace
Knocked me on my knees
Don’t tell anyone
That's what I wanted
The God of change
Knocked me on my knees
Don’t tell anyone
That's what I wanted

Remembering a Jumbo’s night
December 26th
Weird faces filled up the bar
Half sober
Outside a steady snow
All new white
With new money and false friends
I don’t like it
That fall from grace
Knocked me on my knees
Don’t tell anyone
That's what I wanted
The God of change
Knocked me on my knees
Don’t tell anyone
That's what I wanted

The dog in the manger eats its anger
But I miss it
The way it was before the scales
Fell from my eyes

There's no use being sad about it
What's the point of crying about it?
There's no use being sad about it
What's the point of crying about it?
There's no use being sad about it
What's the point of crying about it?
There's no use being sad about it
What's the point of crying about it?
There's no use being sad about it
What's the point of crying about it?
There's no use being sad about it
What's the point of crying about it?
There's no use being sad about it
What's the point of crying about it?
There's no use being sad about it
What's the point of crying about it?

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