Aimes-tu les chansons de Pet Shop Boys ? Ici, tu trouveras les paroles des chansons de Pet Shop Boys pour que tu puisses les chanter à tue-tête, les adapter à ta façon ou simplement comprendre leur vrai sens.
Nous avons compilé toutes les paroles des chansons de Pet Shop Boys que nous avons pu trouver pour que ceux qui, comme toi, cherchent des chansons de Pet Shop Boys, les trouvent regroupées en un seul endroit.
Trouve ici les paroles de tes chansons préférées de Pet Shop Boys.
Vois-tu la chanson que tu aimes dans cette liste de chansons de Pet Shop Boys ?
- Go West
- Always On My Mind
- It's A Sin
- Domino Dancing
- West End Girls
- What Have I Done To Deserve This?
- Heart
- New York City Boy
- Rent
- Being Boring
- Suburbia
- Se a Vida É (That's The Way Life Is)
- Love Comes Quickly
- So Hard
- Jealousy
- To Face the Truth
- Left To My Own Devices
- Can You Forgive Her?
- How Can You Expect to be Taken Seriously?
- Opportunities (Let's Make Lots Of Money)
- Paninaro
- Home And Dry
- A Man Could Get Arrested
- Before
- Bet She's Not Your Girlfriend
- I'm Not Scared
- Later Tonight
- Love Etc.
- Love Is a Bourgeious Construct
- My October Symphony
- One In a Million
- Only The Wind
- Where The Streets Have no Name (I Can't Take my Eyes Off You)
- A Different Point of View
- At Rock Bottom
- Bizarre Love Triangle
- Disappointed
- Do I Have To?
- Dreamland (feat. Years & Years)
- I Don't Know What You Want, But I Can't Give It Anymore
- It Must Be Obvious
- It's Alright
- Shopping
- The Lost Room
- This Must Be The Place I Waited Years To Leave
- Thursday (Part. Example)
- Winner
- You Only Tell Me You Love Me When You're Drunk
- A Little Black Dress
- A New Life
- A Powerful Friend
- Absolutely Fabulous
- After The Event
- All Over The World
- Always
- Always On My Mind/In My House
- Axis
- Beautiful People
- Birthday Boy
- Black Tie White Noise
- Breathing Space
- Burn
- Burning The Heather
- Casanova In Hell
- Closer to Heaven
- Decide
- Delusions of Grandeur
- Did You See Me Coming?
- Discoteca
- DJ Culture
- Don Juan
- Dreaming of the Queen
- Flamboyant
- Footsteps
- Girls and Boys
- Girls don't cry
- Give stupidity a chance
- Happiness
- Happy people
- Hell
- Here
- Hey, Headmaster
- Hit and Miss
- Hit Music
- Hold On
- I Cried For Us
- I Get Along
- I Started A Joke
- I Want A Dog
- I Want To Wake Up
- I Will Fall
- I Wouldn't Normally do This Kind of Thing
- In Denial
- In Private
- In The Night
- Inside a Dream
- It Always Comes as a Surprise
- It Couldn't Happen Here
- It's Just My Little Tribute to Caligula,Darling!
- Jack The Lad
- King Of Rome
- King's Cross
- Leaving
- Liberation
- Listening
- Living In The Past
- London
- Memory Of The Future
- Minimal
- Miracles
- Monkey Business
- My Girl
- Night Song
- Nine Out of Ten
- Numb
- On social media
- One More Chance
- One Night
- One of the Crowd
- Only Love
- Send Me An Angel
- Shameless
- The End of The World
- The Pop Kids
- The Theatre
- The Way It Used To Be
- To Speak Is a Sin
- Too Many People
- Two Divided By Zero
- Violence
- Was It Worth It?
- Was That What it Was?
- Why Don't We Live Together?
- A Certain Je Ne Sais Quoi
- A Cloud In a Box
- A Face Like That
- A Red Letter Day
- After All
- Alone Again, Naturally
- An Open Mind
- Angelic Thug
- Baby (Demo)
- Beautiful Laundrette
- Betrayed
- Between Two Islands
- Blue On Blue
- Bolshy
- Boy Strange
- Break 4 Love
- Bright Young Things
- Building A Wall
- Call Me Old-fashioned
- Confidential
- Cricket Wife
- Decadence
- Decide
- Disco Potential
- E-mail
- Ego Music
- Electricity
- Euroboy
- Everthing Means Something
- Falling (Demo for Kylie)
- Fluorescent
- For All Of Us
- For Your Own Good
- Forever in Love
- Forever in love (Relentless version)
- Friendly Fire
- Fugitive
- Gin And Jag
- Give It A Go
- Glad All Over
- Groovy
- Hallo Spaceboy
- Happiness is an Option
- Hoping for a miracle
- How I Learned to Hate Rock'n'Roll
- I Believe In Ecstasy
- I Didn't Get Where I am Today
- I don't wanna
- I Get Excited (You Get Excited Too)
- I made my excuses and left
- I Want A Lover
- I'm with Stupid
- If Looks Could Kill
- If Love Were All
- In His Imagination
- Indefinite Leave To Remain
- Inner Sanctum
- Inside
- Integral
- Into Thin Air
- Invisible
- It Doesn´t Often Snow at Christmas
- Jack and Jill Party
- Je T’aime... Moi Non Plus
- Kaputnik
- Legacy
- Lies
- Losing My Mind
- Love is a Catastrophe
- Love Life
- Luna Park
- Metamorphosis
- Miserablism
- More Than A Dream
- Music For Boys
- My Head is Spinning
- My Night
- Nervously
- New Boy
- Nightlife
- No Boundaries
- No Time For Tears
- Nothing Has Been Proved
- One And One Make Five
- One Thing Leads to Another
- Only the dark
- Out of my System
- Pandemonium
- Paris City Boy
- Party Song
- Pazzo!
- Positive Role Model
- Postscript
- Psychological
- Radiophonic
- Requiem In Denim And Leopardskin
- Run, Girl, Run (1971)
- Sad Robot World
- Sail Away
- Saturday Night Forever
- Say It To Me
- Screaming
- Searching For the Face of Jesus
- Sexy Northerner
- She's Madonna
- Shouting In The Evening
- Silver Age
- Single
- Skeletons In The Closet
- So Sorry, I Said
- Some Speculation
- Somebody Else's Business
- Something Special
- Somewhere
- Tall Thin Men
- That's my Impression
- The Boy Who Couldn't Keep His Clothes On
- The Calm Before the Storm
- The Dead Can Dance
- The Dictator Decides
- The forgotten child
- The Former Enfant Terrible
- The Ghost Of Myself
- The Last To Die
- The Man Who Has Everything
- The Night I Fell In Love
- The Only One
- The Resurrectionist
- The Samurai in Autumn
- The Show Must Go On
- The Sodom And Gomorrah Show
- The Sound of The Atom Splitting
- The Sound Of The Atom Splitting (12" Mix)
- The Truck-driver And His Mate
- The View From Your Balcony
- The Way Through the Woods
- The White Dress
- This Used To Be The Future
- Time on My Hands
- To Step Aside
- Together
- Tonight Is Forever
- Transfer
- Transparent
- Try It (I'm In Love With a Married Man)
- Twentieth century
- Twenty-something
- Undertow
- Up Against It
- Up and Down
- Vampires
- Violence (Haçienda version)
- Viva La Vida/Domino Dancing
- Vocal
- Vulnerable
- We All Feel Better in the Dark
- We All Feel Better In The Dark (brothers In Rhythm Ambient Mix)
- We Came From Outer Space
- We're All Criminals Now
- We're the Pet Shop Boys
- Wedding in Berlin
- West End Girls (Dance Mix)
- What are we going to do about the rich?
- What Keeps Mankind Alive?
- Wiedersehen
- Will-o-the-wisp
- Yesterday, When I Was Mad
- You are the one
- You Choose
- You Know Where You Went Wrong
- You've Got To Start Somewhere
- Young Offender
- Your Early Stuff
- Your Funny Uncle
- Loneliness
- Being Boring (Nonetheless Version)
Pet Shop Boys est un duo britannique de synthpop, formé en 1981 à Londres. Il se compose de Neil Tennant au chant, au clavier et occasionnellement à la guitare, et de Chris Lowe au synthétiseur et occasionnellement au chant. Leur style musical évolue entre disco, new wave, house et dance-pop.
Avec plus de cent millions de disques vendus à travers le monde, Pet Shop Boys est le plus prolifique duo anglais de l'histoire musicale d'après le Livre Guinness des records. Il compte de nombreux succès, tels que West End Girls (1984), Suburbia (1986), It's a Sin (1987), What Have I Done to Deserve This? (avec Dusty Springfield, 1987) et New York City Boy (1999). Les reprises des titres Always on My Mind (1987) et Go West (1993) sont également acclamées.
Nous te recommandons de visiter toutes les paroles des chansons de Pet Shop Boys, tu pourrais tomber amoureux de certaines que tu ne connaissais pas encore.
Les paroles des chansons de Pet Shop Boys suivent souvent certains motifs que tu peux découvrir en y prêtant attention. Es-tu prêt à voir lesquels ?
Pour découvrir les motifs des chansons de Pet Shop Boys, il te suffit de lire attentivement les paroles de leurs chansons, et de faire attention non seulement à ce qu'elles disent, mais aussi à la façon dont elles sont construites.
Comme toujours, nous essayons de nous améliorer et de grandir, donc si tu n'as pas trouvé les paroles des chansons de Pet Shop Boys que tu cherchais, reviens bientôt, car nous mettons fréquemment à jour nos bases de données pour offrir toutes les chansons de Pet Shop Boys et de nombreux autres artistes le plus rapidement possible.
Parfois, les chansons de Pet Shop Boys nous aident à exprimer ce que nous pensons ou ressentons. Est-ce ton cas ?