Paroles de 'Wave On Wave' par Pat Green

Vous voulez connaître les paroles de Wave On Wave de Pat Green ? Vous êtes au bon endroit.

Sur notre site web, nous avons les paroles complètes de la chanson Wave On Wave que vous recherchiez.

Si vous avez longtemps cherché les paroles de la chanson Wave On Wave de Pat Green, commencez à échauffer votre voix, car vous ne pourrez pas arrêter de la chanter.

Vous adorez la chanson Wave On Wave ? Vous ne comprenez pas tout à fait ce qu'elle dit ? Besoin des paroles de Wave On Wave de Pat Green ? Vous êtes au lieu qui a les réponses à vos désirs.

Mile upon mile got no direction,
We're all playing the same game.
We're all looking for redemption,
Just afraid to say the name.

So caught up now in pretending,
That what we're seekin' is the truth.
I'm just looking for a happy ending,
All I'm looking for is you.

You came upon me wave on wave,
You're the reason I'm still here, yeah
Am I the one you were sent to save?
You came upon me wave on wave.

I wondered out into the water,
And I thought that I might drown.
I dunno what I was after,
I just know I was going down.

That's when she found me,
I'm not afraid anymore.
she said"You know I always had you baby,
Just waitin for you to find what you were looking for.

You came upon me wave on wave,
You're the reason I'm still here.
Am I the one you were sent to save,
When you came upon me wave on wave.

Wave on wave.
Wave on wave.

And you came upon me wave on wave,
You're the reason I'm still here.
Am I the one you were sent to save,
when you came upon me wave on wave.
The clouds broke and the angels cried,
You ain't gotta walk alone,
That's why he put me in your way,
And you came upon me wave on wave.

Rerpeat Corus Twice
Wave On Wave Lyrics

Mile upon mile got no direction,
We're all playing the same game.
We're all looking for redemption,
Just afraid to say the name.

So caught up now in pretending,
That what we're seekin' is the truth.
I'm just looking for a happy ending,
All I'm looking for is you.

You came upon me wave on wave,
You're the reason I'm still here, yeah
Am I the one you were sent to save?
You came upon me wave on wave.

I wandered out into the water,
And I thought that I might drown.
I dunno what I was after,
I just know I was going down.

That's when she found me,
I'm not afraid anymore.
she said"You know I always had you baby,
Just waitin for you to find what you were looking for.

You came upon me wave on wave,
You're the reason I'm still here.
Am I the one you were sent to save,
When you came upon me wave on wave.

Wave on wave.
Wave on wave.

And you came upon me wave on wave,
You're the reason I'm still here.
Am I the one you were sent to save,
when you came upon me wave on wave.
The clouds broke and the angels cried,
You ain't gotta walk alone,
That's why he put me in your way,
And you came upon me wave on wave.

Il existe de nombreuses raisons de vouloir connaître les paroles de Wave On Wave de Pat Green.

Quand on aime vraiment une chanson, comme cela pourrait être votre cas avec Wave On Wave de Pat Green, on souhaite pouvoir la chanter en connaissant bien les paroles.

Sentez-vous comme une star en chantant la chanson Wave On Wave de Pat Green, même si votre public n'est que vos deux chats.

Dans le cas où votre recherche des paroles de la chanson Wave On Wave de Pat Green est parce qu'elle vous fait penser à quelqu'un en particulier, nous vous proposons de la lui dédier d'une manière ou d'une autre, par exemple en lui envoyant le lien de ce site web, il comprendra sûrement l'allusion.

Apprenez les paroles des chansons que vous aimez, comme Wave On Wave de Pat Green, que ce soit pour les chanter sous la douche, faire vos propres covers, les dédier à quelqu'un ou gagner un pari.