Paroles de 'College' par Pat Green

We were just young kids with a six pack
That a bad fake id bought.
Sittin' on the living room couch
Hopin that we didn't get caught
And when we did, my dad
Had some good avice for me
He said son, there's a time and place
For just about everything
It's called college

Next thing i know i'm packing up
And headin on out of here.
A backseat full of clothes,
And my old cavalier
And there's empty pizza boxes
Stacked all around the room
Couple of beers on a tuesday
And one in the afternoon
Hey, college

Those were the best days of my life
I found my friends, myself, and my wife.
Learned almost everything that i know
Without ever gaining knowledge
In college....yeah college

I had suck a good time those four years
That i stretched them into six.
And i'd like to thank ole george's bar
For the the classes that i missed
I was searching for hte meaning of life
When i saw her walk my way.
There was not doubt in my my mind
That it wasn't about a gpa

Those were the best days of my life
I found my friends, myself, and my wife.
Learned almost everything that i know
Without ever gaining knowledge
In college....yeah college.

Those were the best days of my life
I found my , myself, my friends and my wife.
Learned almost everything that i know
Might have gained a little knowledge

In college....yeah college
In college
In college..yeah yeah yeah...

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