Vois-tu la chanson que tu aimes dans cette liste de chansons de Overkill ?
- I Hate
- Bring Me The Night
- Elimination
- Fuck You
- In Union We Stand
- Overkill
- Rotten To The Core
- Soulitude
- Wrecking Crew
- 21st Century Man
- 80 Cycles
- A Mother's Prayer
- A Pound Of Flesh
- Ain't Nothing To Do (Cover Dead Boys)
- All Over But The Shouting
- Another Day To Die
- Armorist
- Armory
- Bag O' Bones
- Bare Bones
- Bastard Nation
- Bats In The Belfry
- Batshitcrazy
- Battle
- Believe In The Fight
- Birth Of Tension
- Bitter Pill
- Black Daze
- Black Line
- Bleed Me
- Blood And Iron
- Blood Money
- Blown Away
- Bold Face Pagan Stomp
- Brainfade
- Burn You Down / To Ashes
- Can't Kill A Dead Man
- Certifiable
- Chalie Get Your Gun
- Changes (Cover Black Sabbath)
- Cold, Hard Fact
- Coma
- Come And Get It
- Come Heavy
- Cornucopia (Cover Black Sabbath)
- Crystal Clear
- Damned
- Dead Man
- Death Comes Out To Play
- Death Rider
- Death Tone (Cover Manowar)
- Deny The Cross
- Deuce (Cover Kiss)
- Devil By The Tail
- Devils In The Mist
- Distortion
- Down To The Bone
- Dreaming In Columbian
- Drop The Hammer
- Drunken Wisdom
- E.vil N.ever D.ies
- Electric Rattlesnake
- Electro-Violence
- End Of The Line
- Endless War
- Evil Never Dies
- F.U.C.T.
- Fast Junkie
- Fatal If Swallowed
- Fear His Name
- Feed My Head
- Feeding Frenzy
- Feel The Fire
- Fever
- Forked Tongue Kiss
- Frankenstein
- Freedom Rings
- Gasoline Dream
- Genocya
- Ghost Dance
- Give A Little
- God-Like
- Goddamn Trouble
- Goin' Home
- Good Night
- Half Past Dead
- Hammerhead
- Harder They Fall
- Head First
- Head Of a Pin
- Head On
- Heaven And Hell (Cover Black Sabbath)
- Hell Is
- Hellish Pride
- Hello From The Gutter
- Hole In My Soul
- Hole In The Sky (Cover Black Sabbath)
- Horrorscope
- Hymn 43 (Cover Jethro Tull)
- I Am Fear
- I Hear Black
- I Rise
- I, Hurricane
- I'm Against It (Cover Ramones)
- I'm Alright
- Ignorance & Innocence
- In the Name
- In Vain
- Infectious
- Ironbound
- Irth Of Tension
- It Lives
- It's All Yours
- Just Like You
- Keeper
- Kill On Command
- Killing For A Living
- King Of The Rat Bastards
- Know Her Name
- Last Man Standing
- Left Hand Man
- Let It Burn
- Let Me Shut That For You
- Let Us Prey
- Let's All Go To Hades
- Little Bit 'O Murder
- Live Young, Die Free
- Loaded Rack
- Long Time Dyin'
- Love
- Mad Gone World
- Mean, Green, Killing Machine
- My December
- My Name Is Pain
- Necroshine
- Never Say Die (Cover Black Sabbath)
- Never Say Never
- New Machine
- Nice Day... For A Funeral
- No Fellings (Cover The Se Pistols)
- No Lights
- Nothing To Die For
- Old School
- Old Wounds, New Scars
- Our Finest Hour
- Overkill (Cover Motorhead)
- Overkill II (The Nightmare Continues)
- Overkill III (Under The Influence)
- Overkill V (The Brand)
- Pig
- Play The Ace
- Playing With Spiders/Skullkrusher
- Powersurge
- Promises
- R.I.P
- Raise The Dead
- Red White And Blue
- Revelation
- Save Me
- Save Yourself
- Scorched
- Second Son
- Shades Of Grey
- Shadow Of A Doubt
- Shine On
- Shred
- Skull And Bones
- Solitude
- Sonic Reducer
- Space Truckin'
- Space Truckin' (Cover Deep Purple)
- Spiritual Void
- Stone Cold Jesus
- Struck Down
- Supersonic Hate
- Thanx For Nothin'
- The Answer
- The Beast Within
- The Cleansing
- The Fight Song
- The Goal Is Your Soul
- The Green And Black
- The Grinding Wheel
- The Head And Heart
- The Long Road
- The Mark 2:14
- The Mourning After / Private Bleeding
- The One
- The Rip'n'Tear
- The Ripper (Cover Judas Priest)
- The Sound of Dying
- The SRC
- The Surgeon
- The Wait - New High In Lows
- The Wheel
- The Years Of Decay
- There's No Tomorrow
- They Eat Their Young
- Thunderhead
- Time To Kill
- Twist Offthe Wick
- Tyrant (Cover Judas Priest)
- Under One
- Under The Blade
- Undying
- Unholy
- Unleash The Beast (Within)
- Until I Die
- Up To Zero
- Use Your Head
- Walk Through Fire
- Weight Of The World
- Welcome To The Garden State
- What I'm Missin'
- What It Takes
- What's Your Problem
- Wheelz
- Where Few Dare To Walk
- Where It Hurts
- Where There's Smoke
- Who Tends The Fire
- Wicked Place
- Wish You Were Dead
- Within Your Eyes
- Won't Be Comin Back
- World Of Hurt
- XDᵐ
Le terme overkill (pouvant se traduire en français par surpuissance) désigne l'utilisation d'une force excessive pour atteindre un but. On peut illustrer cela par l'adage « tuer une mouche avec un canon ».
Il arrive souvent que lorsque tu aimes une chanson d'un groupe ou d'un artiste en particulier, tu aimes aussi d'autres de leurs chansons. Donc, si tu aimes une chanson de Overkill, il est probable que tu aimes beaucoup d'autres chansons de Overkill.
Les paroles des chansons de Overkill suivent souvent certains motifs que tu peux découvrir en y prêtant attention. Es-tu prêt à voir lesquels ?
Analyser les paroles des chansons de Overkill peut être très amusant et si tu aimes composer, cela peut t'aider à trouver des formules pour créer tes propres compositions.
Comme toujours, nous essayons de nous améliorer et de grandir, donc si tu n'as pas trouvé les paroles des chansons de Overkill que tu cherchais, reviens bientôt, car nous mettons fréquemment à jour nos bases de données pour offrir toutes les chansons de Overkill et de nombreux autres artistes le plus rapidement possible.
Parfois, les chansons de Overkill nous aident à exprimer ce que nous pensons ou ressentons. Est-ce ton cas ?