Paroles de 'Fish Out Of Water' par Opm

Fish Out Of Water est une chanson de Opm dont les paroles ont été innombrablement recherchées, c'est pourquoi nous avons décidé qu'elle méritait sa place sur ce site web, avec beaucoup d'autres paroles de chansons que les internautes souhaitent connaître.

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Picture this... another monday morning, you go to work but youdon't know why your going,
everyday it's just the same, it's stupid and boring and it feelslike you're going insane.

right now you don't understand it
slow down there's no reason to panic because one day your stillgonna make it, but ya
can't get that far when your a fish outta water my friend

Marco polo don't you know thats how the game goes,
Marco polo you're a fish outta water and I bet you didn't know

Everyday lifes getting harder and you're living like a fish outtawater
you can't breath or you, don't bother
Thats what its like when your a fish outta water

You wake up one day look around and realize your losing time
The tide has got you and you watch as your life starts todivide
Thought you'd go with the flow and the next thing you know feelslike your drowning
take a step back, check yourself, make sure you don't fuck it up,and then you do it again

right now you don't understand it
slow down there's no reason to panic because one day your stillgonna make it, but ya
can't get that far when your a fish outta water my friend

Marco polo don't you know thats how the game goes,
Marco polo you're a fish outta water and I bet you didn't know

Everyday lifes getting harder and you're living like a fish outtawater
you can't breath or you, don't bother
Thats what its like when your a fish outta water

Now I'm underwater so deep that I'm blind feeling around in hopesthat I'd find, inspiration
or something that would touch me
grounded so deep my feet can't even move me.
Time runnin in the rat race all day
I'm thinking whose life is it anyway
Feelin worthless can't find the surface
Swimmin in my mind just to find the purpose
And the tides all low and I'm all exposed
Eyes froze makes me wonder bout this path I chose
Nobody told you when to run, Bang Bang
you missed the starting gun

Everyday lifes getting harder and you're living like a fish outtawater
you can't breath or you, don't bother
Thats what its like when your a fish outta water

Everyday lifes getting harder and you're living like a fish outtawater
you can't breath or you, don't bother
Thats what its like when your a fish outta water

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Ce qui arrive plus souvent que nous le pensons est que les gens recherchent les paroles de Fish Out Of Water parce qu'il y a un mot dans la chanson qu'ils ne comprennent pas bien et veulent s'assurer de ce qu'il dit.

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