Paroles de 'I Wrote It' par The Mighty Mighty BossTones

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I wrote it with a golf pencil I pulled out of my blazer
A crest sewn on the chest read "Old Gold Rugby Football Club"
Worn at one time by a man, that at one time went to Yale
Then he worked a while on Wall Street, until the market collapsed

I was in a barroom that was somewhere on the southern shore of Boston
The tender of the bar poured me a whiskey on the house
I had a love for whiskey, I chased it with a beer
I have a love for Boston and I loved writing it there

I wrote it in a notebook that somebody let me borrow
"Don't use all the paper please and if you could bring it back to me tomorrow"
It was a fair request and I was grateful for the loan
I had to jot a thought down I came up with on my own

I wrote it in October and I mention that because
Out of all the months there are I've always liked that one the best
I don't know why I bring this up but there are times I wonder what
Ever happened to that man I wonder after the collapse

I wrote it in a notebook that somebody let me borrow
"Don't use all the paper please and if you could bring it back to me tomorrow"
It was a fair request and I was grateful for the loan
I had to jot a thought down I came up with on my own

I wrote, I wrote it for you
I wrote, I wrote it for you
I wrote, I wrote it for you
I wrote, I wrote it for you

I wrote it in an hour so, so really not much longer
I put the pencil in the shot glass and I buttoned up my blazer
I stepped out of the bar in to the cold October sun
I must return the notebook it's not important what I wrote

Quand on aime vraiment une chanson, comme cela pourrait être votre cas avec I Wrote It de The Mighty Mighty BossTones, on souhaite pouvoir la chanter en connaissant bien les paroles.

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Il est important de noter que The Mighty Mighty BossTones, lors des concerts en direct, n'a pas toujours été ou ne sera pas toujours fidèle aux paroles de la chanson I Wrote It... Il est donc préférable de se concentrer sur ce que dit la chanson I Wrote It sur le disque.

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