Paroles de ' String Me Along ' par Melissa O'Neil

I took my chances
I knew that you were trouble
But you're like a magnet
When you get closer, you pull me onnn
You said, we'll never go wrong
A promise you can't keep
Today, my memory's so long
Long gone (could it be that)

I'm better off, on my own
Then you kick and you screa and you break me
I'm thinkin' it's time that I'm gone
Then you push and you pull and you string me along
You play these waiting games
But I'm finally tryin' to stake my claim with you
I'm so tired of holdin' on
When you string me along

I might get stuck in
This tangled web you're weavin'
I'm like your puppet
But you're strangling' my breathin'
You said be patient with me
To be honest, I can't hang
Today these chains don't fit me and
I'm not gunna play in your game (could it be that)

[Chorus 2:]
I'm better off, on my own
But you kick and you scream, and you break me
I'm thinkin' it's time that I'm gone
But you push and you pull and you string me along
You keep on playing games
But I'm finally tryin' to break away from you
I'm so tired of holdin' on
When you string me along

A broken heart, a broken promise
That's all you leave behind for me
Lookin' up to you I lost focus
Now I'll bring it back to where it used to be
You make it so hard to do it
And I know you don't want me to leave, Oh-no-no you kick and scream and you push and you
Pull, and you string me along

I'm better off, on my own
Then you kick and you screa and you break me
I'm thinkin' it's time that I'm gone
Then you push and you pull and you string me along
You play these waiting games
But I'm finally tryin' to stake my claim with you
I'm so tired of holdin' on
When you string me along

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