- Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)
- This Is Halloween
- The Beautiful People
- The Nobodies
- The Dope Show
- The Way I Am (feat. Eminem)
- Tainted Love
- Tourniquet
- This Is The New Shit
- Antichrist Superstar
- Coma White
- Killing Strangers
- Third Day Of a Seven Day Binge
- Rock Is Dead
- If I Was Your Vampire
- The Love Song
- Long Hard Road Out Of Hell
- Disposable Teens
- The Last Day On Earth
- The Reflecting God
- I Put a Spell On You
- Mobscene
- They Said That Hell's Not Hot
- Coma Black
- Great Big White World
- Little Horn
- The Fight Song
- The Speed Of Pain
- (s)AINT
- Eat Me, Drink Me
- Evidence
- Heart-Shaped Glasses (When the Heart Guides the Hand)
- Lamb Of God
- Lunchbox
- Mechanical Animals
- Running To The Edge Of The World
- The Death Song
- A Place In The Dirt
- Apple Of Sodom
- Arma-goddamn-motherfucking-geddon
- Blue Monday
- Cry Little Sister
- Cryptorchid
- Deep Six
- Disassociative
- Godeatgod
- In The Shadow Of The Valley Of Death
- Kinderfeld
- Man That You Fear
- Personal Jesus
- SAY10
- Angel With The Scabbed Wings
- Are You The Rabbit?
- Cat In The Hat
- Dried Up, Tied And Dead To The World
- Fall Of The House Of Death
- Fated, Faithful, Fatal
- Fuck Frankie
- Irresponsible Hate Anthem
- King Kill 33º
- Minute Of Decay
- Putting Holes In Happiness
- Stigmata (feat. Tyler Bates)
- Target Audience (Narcissus Narcosis)
- The Mephistopheles Of Los Angeles
- User Friendly
- Valentine's Day
- Warship My Wreck
- 15
- 1996
- Astonishing Panorama Of The Endtimes
- Blank And White
- Blood Honey
- Born Again
- Born Villain
- Breaking The Same Old Ground
- Burning Flag
- Children Of Cain
- Count To 6 And Die
- Cruci-Fiction In Space
- Dead God
- Deformography
- Devil in my Lunchbox
- Dogma
- Dope Hat
- Dune Buggy
- Fundamentally Loathsome
- Get Your Gunn
- Helter Skelter (feat. Rob Zombie)
- I Don't Like The Drugs (But The Drugs Like Me)
- JE$U$ CRI$I$
- Like A Virgin
- Magic 8 Ball
- May Cause Discoloration Of The Urine Or Feces
- Mister Superstar
- No Reflection
- Para-noir
- President Dead
- Pretty as a Swastika
- Smeels Like Children
- Suck For Your Solution
- The Bright Young Things
- The Fall Of Adam
- The Golden Age Of Grotesque
- The Hands Of Small Children
- The Nobodies (2005 Against All Gods Mix)
- The Red Carpet Grave
- You And Me And The Devil Makes 3
- You're So Vain (feat. Johnny Depp)
- 1999
- A Rose And a Baby Ruth
- Abuse Part 1
- Abuse Part 2 (Confession)
- All Fall Down (feat. The Spooky Kids)
- Autopsy
- Believe
- Better Of Two Evils
- Big Mother
- Birds Of Hell Awaiting
- Blood, Shit & Cum
- Brown Bag (Remix)
- Burn
- By Myself
- Cake And Sodomy
- Cat People (feat. Shooter Jennings)
- Choklit Factory
- Coma Black: Eden Eye/The Apple of Discord
- Come Together
- Cupid Carries a Gun
- Cyclops
- Dance Of The Dope Hats
- Dancing With The One Legged
- Day 3
- Devour
- Diamonds And Pollen
- Diary Of a Dope Fiend
- Disengaged
- Doll-dagga Buzz-buzz Ziggety-zag
- Don't Pray For Me
- Doppelherz
- Down In The Park
- Dungeon Master
- Epilogue
- Everlasting Cocksucker
- Eye (Live)
- Filth
- Five To One
- Florest Head
- Food Pyramid
- Forbidden Fruit
- Four Rusted Horses
- Get My Rocks Off
- God's Gonna Cut You Down
- Golden Years
- Hard On For Love (feat. Maven)
- Heaven Upside Down
- Hey, Cruel World
- Highway To Hell
- I Got You
- I Hate
- I Have to Look Up Just to See Hell
- I Need
- I Only Want To Be With You
- I Want To Disappear
- I Want To Kill You Like They do In The Movies
- Inauguration Of The Mechanical Christ
- Insect Pins
- Into The Fire
- Iron Man
- Junk The Magic Dragon
- Just a Car Crash Away
- Justify My Love
- Ka-boom Ka-boom
- Kiddie Grinder (Remix)
- Kill Kill Kill
- Kill your god
- Lay Down Your Goddamn Arms
- Learning To Swim
- Leave a Scar
- Let Your Ego Die
- Like a Prayer
- Luci In The Sky With Demons
- Material Girl
- May Be Harmful If Swallowed
- Meat For a Queen
- Metal (Remix)
- Mind Of a Lunatic
- Mini Cassette Recordings
- Misery Machine
- Mommy Dear
- Moonshine
- Mother Inferior Got Her Gunn
- Murderers Are Getting Prettier Every Day
- Mutilation Is The Most Sincere Form Of Flattery
- My Monkey
- Negative 3
- New Model No.15
- Next Motherfucker
- No 9
- Number 9 Part 3
- Obsequey (The Death Of Art)
- Odds Of Even
- Off The Wagon
- Organ Grinder
- Overneath The Path Of Misery (Born Villain)
- Phantasmagoria
- Pistol Whipped
- Plastic Jesus
- Posthuman
- Pout-pourri No Class/ Styrofoam Raps
- Prelude (The Family Trip)
- Red In My Head
- Redeemer
- Revelation #12
- Revelation #9
- Rock 'n' Roll Nigger
- Saturnalia
- Scapegoat
- Scaredy Cat
- Secret Song
- She's Not My Girlfriend
- Sick City
- Slave Only Dreams To Be King
- Sleepy Hollow
- Slo-Mo-Tion
- Slutgarden
- Snake Eyes And Sissies
- Son Of Man
- Spade
- Starfuckers
- Strange Same Dogma
- Suicide Is Painless
- Suicide Snowman
- Surrender
- Sweet Tooth
- Sympathy For The Parents
- Talk Of One, Thought Of None
- Tattooed In Reverse
- Teen Dabbler
- Terrible Lie
- Thaeter
- The Alabama Song
- The Devil Beneath My Feet
- The End
- The Flowers Of Evil
- The Gardener
- The High End Of Low
- The KKK Took My Baby Away
- The La La Song
- The Lamb Of God
- The Mechanism Of Desire
- The Omen
- The Point
- The Suck For Your Solution
- The Telephone
- Thingmaker
- Those Fucking Bitches
- Threats Of Romance
- Thrift
- Track 99 (Secret Track)
- Transylvanian Concubine
- Unkillable Monster
- Untitled
- Use Your Fist And Not Your Mouth
- Vodevil
- We're from America
- What Goes Around... Comes Around
- White Knuckles
- White Trash
- White Trash ( Remixed By Tony F. Wiggins)
- Wight Spider
- Working Class Hero
- Wormboy
- Wow
- Wrapped In Plastic
- You Spin Me Right Round
- One Assassination Under God
- Sacrifice Of The Mass
- Meet Me In Purgatory
- Death Is Not A Costume
- Nod If You Understand
- No Funeral Without Applause
Marilyn Manson [ˈmɛəɹɪlɪn ˈmænsən], de son vrai nom Brian Hugh Warner [ˈbɹaɪən hjuː wɔɹnɚ], né le 5 janvier 1969 à Canton dans l'Ohio, est un musicien, chanteur rock, peintre, poète, acteur et plasticien américain. Il est mondialement connu pour être le leader du groupe de metal industriel Marilyn Manson, portant son nom. Son nom de scène est une référence à l'actrice Marilyn Monroe et au gourou Charles Manson.
Marilyn Manson est un artiste controversé, qui utilise la provocation et un blasphème teinté de philosophie et de symbolique mystique dans une partie de ses albums et lors de ses concerts.
Il est également accusé de sévices, séquestration et viols par plusieurs femmes qui ont été ses compagnes. Ces accusations sont réfutées par Marilyn Manson, et plusieurs de ces affaires sont encore en cours d'instruction ,.
Il se peut que tu ne sois pas un grand fan de Marilyn Manson, peut-être es-tu ici pour une seule chanson de Marilyn Manson que tu aimes, mais jette un œil au reste, tu pourrais être surpris.
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