Paroles de 'Girl In a Country Song' par Maddie & Tae

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Well I wish I had some shoes on my two bare feet
And it's gettin' kinda cold in these painted-on cut-off jeans
I hate the way this bikini top chafes
Do I really have to wear it all day?
(Yeah, baby)

I hear you over there on your tailgate whistling
Saying: Hey, girl, but you know I ain't listening
Cause I got a name and to you it ain't
Pretty little thing, honey or baby
It's driving me red red red red red red redneck crazy

Being the girl in a country song
How in the world did it go so wrong?
Like all we're good for is looking good for
You and your friends on the weekend, nothing more
We used to get a little respect
Now we're lucky if we even get
To climb up in the truck, keep our mouth shut, ride along
And be the girl in a country song

Well, shaking my moneymaker ain't ever made me a dime
And there ain't no sugar for you in this shaker of mine
Tell me one more time you gotta get you some of that
Sure I'll slide on over, but you're gonna get slapped
These days it ain't easy being that

Girl in a country song
How in the world did it go so wrong?
Like all we're good for is looking good for
You and your friends on the weekend, nothing more
We used to get a little respect
Now we're lucky if we even get
To climb up in the truck, keep our mouth shut, ride along
And be the girl in a country song

Yep, yep, yep

Oh, no!
Conway and George Strait
Never did it this way
Back in the old days
Aw naw
We ain't a cliche
That ain't no way
To treat a lady

Like a girl in a country song
How in the world did it go so wrong?
Like all we're good for is looking good for
You and your friends on the weekend, nothing more
We used to get a little respect
Now we're lucky if we even get
To climb up in the truck, keep our mouth shut, ride along
Down some dirt road we don't even wanna be on
And be the girl in a country song

Yeah, baby
I ain't your tan legged Juliet
Can I put on some real clothes now?

Oh, no!

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