Paroles de 'All I Know Is Slay' par longestsoloever

Back from the UAC with a vengeance
A 10-Ton coffin of stone
Straight from hell
Couldn't hold me

No name with a penchant for rage
Serving up holy judgement with a 12-Gauge
It's the argent sergeant
The sentinal guard sent
To clenase and to slay until the end of days, the ways a demon can combust

I'm on a diet of
Rust, dust & guts

Awoke from my slumber
To smash some heads
Found the world overrun
By the living dead

I'll bow my head
Say the ancient prayer
Give me the strength now to
Rip & tear

I am the fire of cleansing light
The endless waves of hell at war
Will fall before me
My desire is to fight
With every kill I need it more now
All I know is slay

All I know is eat, slay
Gloves on the throats
Of my enemies
Two barrel
Super shotgun
Digging into these

Demon hordes
Feed me more

Right hook
For the kill
For the glory

Serving up a beating to
Tear the eye out a cacodemon
Wipe out the room with
One shot
From the BFG
I need some more ammo
The whole clip's gone
Just reach for a zombie
And pull out the chainsaw

When heaven & hell are the same
The sins of the makyr come to light
To avenge all the souls you betrayed
I will fight
I'll destroy
Your world myself

Hell is spreading like a sickness
There's no time
We need to kill it with a quickness
Suit up with the praetor
Load up my gun
I will rip & tear
Until it is done

I am the fire of cleansing light
The endless waves of hell at war
Will fall before me
My desire is to fight
With every kill I need it more now
All I know-

I am the sword of ancient wrath
(Hell is spreading like a sickness)
I've fought across a thousand hells
The demons fear my name
Leaving nothing in my path
(We need to kill it with a quickness)
Filled with this eternal rage now

All I know is slay

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