Nous avons compilé toutes les paroles des chansons de Ll Cool J que nous avons pu trouver pour que ceux qui, comme toi, cherchent des chansons de Ll Cool J, les trouvent regroupées en un seul endroit.
Trouve ici les paroles de tes chansons préférées de Ll Cool J.
Vois-tu la chanson que tu aimes dans cette liste de chansons de Ll Cool J ?
- I Need Love
- Mama Said Knock You Out
- Baby (com The Dream)
- I'm Bad
- Ain't Nobody
- Doin It
- Get Da Drop On Em
- Hey Lover
- .357-Break It On Down
- (NFA) No Frontin Allowed
- #1 Fan
- 1-900-L.L. Cool J
- 10 Million Stars
- 4, 3, 2, 1
- 4, 3, 2, 1 (E-Dub Remix) [ft. Mater P, Redman, Erick Sermon,Method Man,Canibus,DMX]
- 6 Minutes Of Pleasure
- A Little Somethin'
- After School (feat. P. Diddy)
- Ahh, Let´s Get Ill
- Ahh, Let's Get Ill
- Ain't No Stoppin' This
- All I Have
- All We Got Left Is The Beat
- Amazin'(feat. Kandice Love)
- Another Dollar
- Apple Cobbler
- Around the way girl
- Baby Feat. The Dream
- Back Seat
- Back Where I Belong (feat. Ja Rule)
- Big Mama
- Big Ole Butt
- Billie Jean Dream
- Born To Love You
- Buckin' Em Down
- Can't Explain It
- Can't Think
- Candy (feat. Ralph Tresvant, Ricky Bell)
- Change Your Ways
- Cheesy Rat Blues
- Clap Your Hands
- Clockin' G's
- Control Myself
- Control Myself (feat. Jennifer Lopez)
- Crazy Girl
- Crime Stories
- Crossroads
- Dangerous
- Dear Yvette
- Deepest Bluest (Shark's Fin)
- Def Jam In The Motherland
- Diggy Down
- Doin' It Again (Remix)(feat. LeShaun)
- Don't Be Late, Don't Come Too Soon
- Down The Aisle ft.112
- Droppin Em
- Eat 'Em Up L Chill
- Every Sip
- Fa Ha
- Farmers (feat. Tikki Diamondz)
- Farmers Blvd. (Our Anthem)
- Fast Peg
- Father
- Favorite Flavor [feat. Mary J. Blige]
- Feel The Beat
- Freeze
- Freeze (Remix) ft.Lloyd Bank's, Hot Rod & 50 Cent
- Fuhgidabowdit (feat. DMX, Method Man, Redman)
- Funkadelic Relic
- Get Down
- Go Cut Creator Go
- God Bless
- Going Back To Cali
- Headsprung
- Hello (feat. Amil)
- Hip Hop
- Hit 'em High (The Monstar's Anthem)
- Hit Factory Freestyle (feat. DJ Enuff, DJ Kay Slay)
- Hollis To Hollywood
- Homicide
- Hot Hot Hot
- How I'm Comin'
- Hush
- I Can Give You More
- I Can't Live Without My Radio
- I Need A Beat
- I Shot Ya
- I Shot Ya (Remix) (feat. Fat Joe, Foxy Brown, K. Murray, Prodigy)
- I Want You
- I Wish
- I'm About to Get Her
- I'm Gonna Get Her
- I'm That Type Of Guy
- I've Changed
- Ill Bomb
- Illegal Search
- Imagine That(feat. LeShaun)
- In The Midst Of It All
- Intro
- It Gets No Rougher
- It's LL and Santana
- Jack The Ripper
- Jealous
- Jingling Baby
- Jingling Baby (Remixed But Shill Jingling)
- Kanday
- Life As
- LL Cool J(feat. Kandice Love)
- Lollipop
- Loungin
- Luv U Better
- M.I.S.S.I.
- Make It Hot
- Milky Cereal
- Mirror Mirror
- Move Somethin'
- Mr. Good Bar
- Mr. Smith
- Murdergram
- My Rhyme Ain't Done
- Niggy Nuts
- Nitro
- No Airplay
- No More
- No Question
- Nobody Can Freak You (feat. LeShaun, Keith Sweat)
- Old School New School
- One Shot At Love
- Ooh Wee [featuring Ginuwine]
- Papa Luv It a.k.a Poppa Luv It
- Paradise (feat. Amerie)
- Phenomenon
- Pink Cookies
- Preserve the Sexy
- Queens Is (feat. Prodigy)
- Rasta Imposter
- Ratchet
- Rock The Bells
- Rub My Back (2nd or 3rd single)
- Say What
- Shake It Baby
- Shut 'em Down
- Smokin' Dopin'
- So Sick (Remix) - Bonus
- Soul Suvivor
- Stand By Your Man
- Starsky & Hutch (feat. Busta Rhymes)
- Straight From Queens
- Super Baller
- Take It Off
- That's A Lie (feat. Russell Simmons)
- The Boomin' System
- The Breakthrough
- The Bristol Hotel
- The Do Wop
- The G.O.A.T.
- The Power Of God
- The Ripper Strikes Back
- This Is For The Love In You
- This Is Us (feat. Carl Thomas)
- Throw Ya L's Up
- To Da Break Of Dawn
- Two Different Worlds (feat. Cydne Monet)
- U Can't Fuck With Me (feat. Snoop Dogg, Xzibit, Jayo Felony)
- U Should
- Wanna Get Paid [ft. The Lost Boyz]
- We Came To Party (feat. Snoop Dogg & Fatman Scoop)
- We Just Gon Have Some Fun With Hip Hop
- We're The Greatest
- Why Do You Think They Call It Dope?
- You And Me (feat. Kelly Price)
- You Can't Dance
- You'll Rock
- You're My Heart
- Zoom
Il arrive souvent que lorsque tu aimes une chanson d'un groupe ou d'un artiste en particulier, tu aimes aussi d'autres de leurs chansons. Donc, si tu aimes une chanson de Ll Cool J, il est probable que tu aimes beaucoup d'autres chansons de Ll Cool J.
Les paroles des chansons de Ll Cool J suivent souvent certains motifs que tu peux découvrir en y prêtant attention. Es-tu prêt à voir lesquels ?
Pour découvrir les motifs des chansons de Ll Cool J, il te suffit de lire attentivement les paroles de leurs chansons, et de faire attention non seulement à ce qu'elles disent, mais aussi à la façon dont elles sont construites.
Analyser les paroles des chansons de Ll Cool J peut être très amusant et si tu aimes composer, cela peut t'aider à trouver des formules pour créer tes propres compositions.
Parfois, les chansons de Ll Cool J nous aident à exprimer ce que nous pensons ou ressentons. Est-ce ton cas ?