Nous avons compilé toutes les paroles des chansons de Less Than Jake que nous avons pu trouver pour que ceux qui, comme toi, cherchent des chansons de Less Than Jake, les trouvent regroupées en un seul endroit.
Vois-tu la chanson que tu aimes dans cette liste de chansons de Less Than Jake ?
- The Science Of Selling Yourself Short
- What The Fuck The Fuck Have I Become
- 107
- 1989
- 24 Hours In Paramus
- 3 Quarts Drunk
- 500 Miles
- 867-5309 (Jenny)
- 9th At Pine
- A Return To Headphones
- A Short History Lesson
- A Still Life Franchise
- A.S.A.O.K.
- Abandon Ship
- Al'S War
- All My Best Friends Are Metalheads
- All Time Low
- American Idle
- Anchor
- Anti-Christ
- Antidote for the Underdog
- Anytime and Anywhere
- Ask The Magic 8 Ball
- Automatic
- Awkward Age
- Bad Scene And a Basement Show
- Best Wishes to Your Black Lungs
- Big
- Big Crash
- Bigger Picture
- Black Coffee On The Table
- Bless The Cracks
- Blindsided
- Blue Moon
- Bomb Drop
- Boomtown
- Boring Town
- Bridge And Tunnel Authority
- Brown Eyed Gilr
- Call To Arms
- Cheese
- Cheez (7" Version)
- City of Gainesville
- Conviction Notice
- Danny Says
- Descant
- Devil in My DNA
- Do The Math
- Does The Lion City Still Roar?
- Don't Fall Asleep On The Subway
- Done And Dusted
- Dopeman
- Down In The Mission
- Downbeat
- Dukes Of Hazzard
- Econolodged
- Escape From the A-Bomb House
- Even Trophy Boys And Girls Sing The Blues
- Every Breath You Take
- Evil Has No Boundaries
- Faction
- Fall Apart
- Finer Points Of Forgiveness
- Five State Drive
- Freeze Frame
- Frustration that I've been facing
- Fucked
- Gainesville Rock City
- Ghosts Of You And Me
- Give Me Something To Believe In, Inc.
- Glumble
- Golden Age of My Negative Ways
- Good Enough
- Good Time For Change
- Goodbye In Gasoline
- Goodbye Mr. Personality
- Grandma Got Runover By A Reindeer
- Greased Lightnin
- Great American Sharpshooter
- Green Eyed Monster
- Growing Up On A Couch
- Hamburger Hop
- Handshake meet Pokerface
- Happyman
- Harvey Wallbanger
- Hell Looks A Lot Like L.A.
- Help Save The Youth Of America From Exploding
- History Of A Boring Town
- Hopeless Case
- Hopelessly Devoted To You
- Hotel California
- How's My Driving, Doug Hastings?
- I Can't Yell Any Louder
- I Swear It's The Last Time
- I Think I Love You
- I Would Walk 500 Miles
- I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)
- In-Dependence Day
- Is This Thing On?
- Jay Frenzal
- Jen Doesn't Like Me Anymore
- Jenny 867-5309
- John The Baptist Bones
- Johnny Quest Thinks We're Sellouts
- Jump
- Just Like Andy
- Just Like Frank
- Kehoe
- Krazy Glue
- Kroq Song
- Landmines And Landslides
- Last Hour Of The Last Day Of Work
- Last One Out Of Liberty City
- Last Rites To Sleepless Nights
- Last Train
- Laverne And Shirley
- Leech
- Let Her Go
- Lie To Me
- Life Led Out Loud
- Liquor Store
- Lockdown
- Look At Me, I'm Sandra Dee
- Look What Happened
- Losing Streak
- Lucky Day
- Magnetic North
- Malachi Richter's Liquor's Quicker
- Malt Liquor Tastes Better When You've Got Problems
- Mississippi Mud
- Mixology Of Tom Collins
- Modern World
- Mostly Memories
- Motown Never Sounded So Good
- Motto
- Mr. Chevy Celebrity
- My Money Is On The Long Shot
- My Very Own Flag
- National Anthem
- Negative Sides Of Optimistic Eyes
- Nervous In The Alley
- Never Going Back To New Jersey
- Nine-One-One to Anyone
- One Last Cigarette
- Only Human
- Out Of The Crowd
- Overrated (Everything Is)
- P.S. Shock The World
- Pete Jackson Is Getting Married
- Pez King
- Plastic Cup Politics
- Portrait Of a Cigarette Smoker At Age 19
- Process
- Richard Allen George... No, It's Just Cheez
- Robo
- Robots One Humans Zero
- Rock-N-Roll Pizzeria
- Scott Farcas Take It On The Chin
- Screws Fall Out
- Settling Son
- She's Gonna Break Soon
- Shindo
- Short Fuse Burning
- Short On Ideas
- Shotgun
- Showbiz Science Who Cares
- Ska Sucks
- Sleep It Off
- Sobriety Is A Serious Business And Busines Ain't S
- Son of Dick
- Soundcheck
- Soundtrack Of My Life
- St. James Hotel
- Suburban Myth
- Sugar In Your Gas Tank
- Summer Night
- Summon Monsters
- Sunstroke
- Surrender
- Teenager In Love
- That's Why They Call it a Union
- The Brightest Bulb Has Burned Out / Screws Falls Out
- The Ghost Of You And Me
- The Life of the Party Has Left the Building
- The Loudest Songs
- The New Auld Lang Syne
- The Oldest Trick in The Book
- The Reflex
- The Rest Of My Life
- The Space They Can't Touch
- The State of Florida
- The Troubles
- The Upwards War and Down Turned Cycle
- Theme Song From H Street
- This Is Going Nowhere
- This One is Going to Leave a Bruise
- Three Quarts Drunk
- Throw The Brick
- Time And A Half
- Tobgue Tied
- We Go Together
- We, The Uninspired
- We're All Dudes
- We're Not Gonna Take It
- Weekends All Year Long
- Welcome to the New South
- Whatever The Weather
- Where in the Hell is Mike Sinkovich?
- Where The Hell Is Mike Sinkovich
- Whipping Boy
- Who Holds The Power Ring?
- Wish Pig
- Yo-Yo Ninja Boy
- You're The Only One That I Want
- Younger Lungs
- Your Love
Less Than Jake est un groupe de ska punk américain, originaire de Gainesville, en Floride. Formé en 1992, le groupe comprend Chris DeMakes (chant, guitare), Roger Lima (chant, basse), Vinnie Fiorello (batterie, paroles), Buddy Schaub (trombone) et Peter « JR » Wasilewski (saxophone). Le groupe publie son premier album, Pezcore, en 1995, suivi par une série de singles indépendants. Les deux albums suivants, Losing Streak (1996) et Hello Rockview (1998), sont publiés au label Capitol Records, les popularisant ainsi significativement. Le cinquième album du groupe, Anthem (2003), est le mieux vendu en date, et comprend les singles She's Gonna Break Soon et The Science of Selling Yourself Short.
En 2008, le groupe lance son propre label, Sleep It Off Records, et publie son septième album, GNV FLA. Le groupe annoncera ensuite sa préférence pour les EP, et édite indépendamment Greetings from Less Than Jake (2011) et Seasons Greetings from Less Than Jake (2012). À la fin de 2012, mêle ses deux albums pour en faire une compilation, Greetings and Salutations (2012). Leur huitième album studio, See the Light, est publié le 12 novembre 2013. Ils annonceront un nouvel EP, Sound the Alarm pour 2017 au label Pure Noise Records.
Nous te recommandons de visiter toutes les paroles des chansons de Less Than Jake, tu pourrais tomber amoureux de certaines que tu ne connaissais pas encore.
Il arrive souvent que lorsque tu aimes une chanson d'un groupe ou d'un artiste en particulier, tu aimes aussi d'autres de leurs chansons. Donc, si tu aimes une chanson de Less Than Jake, il est probable que tu aimes beaucoup d'autres chansons de Less Than Jake.
Analyser les paroles des chansons de Less Than Jake peut être très amusant et si tu aimes composer, cela peut t'aider à trouver des formules pour créer tes propres compositions.
Comme toujours, nous essayons de nous améliorer et de grandir, donc si tu n'as pas trouvé les paroles des chansons de Less Than Jake que tu cherchais, reviens bientôt, car nous mettons fréquemment à jour nos bases de données pour offrir toutes les chansons de Less Than Jake et de nombreux autres artistes le plus rapidement possible.