Paroles de 'Maud and the Dragon' par KeyDragon

Vous voulez connaître les paroles de Maud and the Dragon de KeyDragon ? Vous êtes au bon endroit.

Sur notre site web, nous avons les paroles complètes de la chanson Maud and the Dragon que vous recherchiez.

Once upon a time in Mordiford
Maud was walking in the nearby wood
Came upon a little animal
Had the look of forlorn and reject
Tiny creature was a small Dragon
Shiny green and single set of legs
And its bat like wings to young for flight
Once it saw Maud they were friends for life

Maud was enchanted by the Dragon
She brought him back home and showed her parents

Soon they saw a little baby Dragon
They were very upset and concerned
They told Maud to take it to the woods
Maud with Dragon sadly left the home
Maud left woods to find a secret place
Hide the Wyvern in her hiding place
There the Dragon lived and ate and grew
Saucer of milk would no longer do!

Maud was enchanted by the Dragon
She was the only one safe from the wyvern

The Merardering monster of Mauds
Ate the live-stock and the towns people
Maud begged it to end the murdering
The Dragon looked at her with its eyes
Friendship and love are the strongest things
But not even this could change its ways
Tyranny must fall so all can live
A warrior must come with lance and steed

Maud was enchanted by the Dragon
She stood beside it, it’s only friend here

Garston warrior dismounted and stood
Gallantly he sought his dreadful foe
Quickly the green monster lunged forward
Hidden by the green foliage around
He reacted raising his great shield
Garston barely blocked the fire blast
Flash of lance did pierce the Dragons Flesh
Screaming girl with a big Dragons death

Maud was enchanted by the Dragon
Dying Wyvern, End of innocence

Dans le cas où votre recherche des paroles de la chanson Maud and the Dragon de KeyDragon est parce qu'elle vous fait penser à quelqu'un en particulier, nous vous proposons de la lui dédier d'une manière ou d'une autre, par exemple en lui envoyant le lien de ce site web, il comprendra sûrement l'allusion.

Ce qui arrive plus souvent que nous le pensons est que les gens recherchent les paroles de Maud and the Dragon parce qu'il y a un mot dans la chanson qu'ils ne comprennent pas bien et veulent s'assurer de ce qu'il dit.

Il est important de noter que KeyDragon, lors des concerts en direct, n'a pas toujours été ou ne sera pas toujours fidèle aux paroles de la chanson Maud and the Dragon... Il est donc préférable de se concentrer sur ce que dit la chanson Maud and the Dragon sur le disque.

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