Paroles de 'Raja (King)' par Kellee Maize

Vous voulez connaître les paroles de Raja (King) de Kellee Maize ? Vous êtes au bon endroit.

Si vous avez longtemps cherché les paroles de la chanson Raja (King) de Kellee Maize, commencez à échauffer votre voix, car vous ne pourrez pas arrêter de la chanter.

Looking for a king, one that won’t make me cry
I need a man who puts a twinkle in my eye
He thinks I should be all the woman I can
Sees me as equal, he respects my plan

Fuck all the bs, and just treat me right
Ain’t gotta have pesos, don’t gotta give me no flight
Just take my mind and give it a patient touch
He must be kind and not hold me in his clutch

Let me be free, and allow me to grow and learn
Give me the trust up front, fuck all’s you gotta earn.
Nothing’s ever promised, tomorrow, today
Listen… can you take me away?

I’m looking for a king
Come and take me away

Wish I could leave here, be gone without a trace
Blink of an eye you, take me out of this place
Need your support when we try to save the earth
Need your assurance when I question my worth

Don’t think of me as your possession
Worrying about me, true, that’s an obsession
If you have doubts then you ask the question
I will be upfront, fuck all the guessin’

Tell me it’s all good, but keep me grindin’
Untangle me when I need unwindin’
I was lost but I am a-findin’
Hail to my king is perfect timin’

I’m looking for a king
Come and take me away

Wanna make a difference, I am ambitious
I need a love that is not suspicious
Do not need money, ain’t about riches
Soften my problems, work out my glitches.

Let’s fill the dreaming, all of your pleasure
Overwhelming feeling, I cannot measure
Feels like I found a map to the hidden treasure
I am a princess when we’re together

And when you love me, I feel connected
My heart is open, my soul respected
And in your arms I will watch the walls fall down
I am your queen & 4-eva you wear my crown

I’m looking for a king
Come and take me away

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