Paroles de 'F**k Everything' par Jon Lajoie

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F**k Everything est une chanson de Jon Lajoie dont les paroles ont été innombrablement recherchées, c'est pourquoi nous avons décidé qu'elle méritait sa place sur ce site web, avec beaucoup d'autres paroles de chansons que les internautes souhaitent connaître.

Yo others rappers claim to not give a fuck well step aside bitches 'cause i give the lowest amount of fuck humanly possible

I don't give a fuck about anything fuck everyone and fuck everything what i don't give a fuck i literally don't give a fuck about anything
I don't give fuck about motherfucking anything people care about shit, i say fuck everything fuck you, fuck me, fuck the sky, fuck trees, fuck the sun i don't need heat or vitamin d
And fuck toasters i don't need to cook my bread and fuck coasters i use a little plate instead and fuck roosters with your useless cock-a-doodle-doo we invented alarm clocks we no longer need you
Don't give a fuck about chairs i prefer to stand and fuck air conditioners i got a ceiling fan and fuck the movie the fan starring wesley snipes demolitionmans the only snipes movie i like
And fuck liking shit i don't even like the stuff that i like don't give a fuck about not liking all the shit i don't like like tissues fuck 'em i blow my nose on the couch and fuck my nostrils and my sense of smell i breathe through my mouth

Don't give a fuck about seeing bitch fuck my eyes fuck visual perception yo i'd rather be blind and fuck time seconds are too short and minutes are a joke and hours are way too long they should be half and hour at most
And fuck coasts don't give a fuck about where water meets land and fuck boats just 'cause you float you think you're so fucking bad and fuck jokes i don't need to be funny all the time my dog has a tumor and he's probably gonna die but
I don't give a fuck about anything fuck everyone and fuck everything what i don't give a fuck i literally don't give a fuck about anything [ from: ]
Walked in to a coffee shop and ordered a cup the girl said "small, medium or large?" i said "bitch i don't give a fuck" she said "i can't process your order if you don't pick a size" i said "fine i'll take a large but i still don't give a fuck alright?"
Don't give a fuck about beverage size options motherfucker and i don't give a fuck about liquids either they're all wet and shit and tend to spill all over the place like human semen when i get it all over my face i'm not gay i just don't give a fuck about straight sex and fuck my dick i'll pee and cum out of my mouth instead
Fuck biological functions fuck the human body i'd prefer the body of a bat and the head of a coyote i'd call myself batyote and i'd fight crime at night i know it's similar to batman but motherfuck copyright i plagiarize all the time i do it every day 'cause i'm on the right track baby i was born this way
And fuck birth entering the world of space and time is a bitch searching for purpose in a random universe sucks dick is it deterministic or am i free to choose my way did i choose to not give a fuck about icecube trays if i want ice i'll go to the fucking cornerstore and buy a bag filling you up and waiting for the water to freeze is a motherfucking drag you know what fuck the word fuck i don't need to use it i'll replace it with the word chainsaw for this chorus
I don't give a chainsaw about anything chainsaw everyone and chainsaw everything what i don't give a chainsaw i literally don't give a chainsaw about anything
If there were a contest to see who doesn't give a fuck the most i wouldnt win 'cause i don't give a fuck about winning, yo i don't even give a fuck about not giving a fuck so i do give a fuck wait, what?
I give a fuck about everything i love everyone and care about everything what i give a fuck i literally care about every motherfucking thing

La raison la plus courante de vouloir connaître les paroles de F**k Everything est que vous l'aimez beaucoup. Évident, n'est-ce pas ?

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Ce qui arrive plus souvent que nous le pensons est que les gens recherchent les paroles de F**k Everything parce qu'il y a un mot dans la chanson qu'ils ne comprennent pas bien et veulent s'assurer de ce qu'il dit.

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