Paroles de 'Flying For Me' par John Denver

Vous voulez connaître les paroles de Flying For Me de John Denver ? Vous êtes au bon endroit.

Well I guess that you probably know by now
I was one who wanted to fly
I wanted to ride on that arrow of fire right up into heaven
And I wanted to go for every man
Every child, every mother of children
I wanted to carry the dreams of all people right up to the stars

And I prayed that Id find an answer there
Or maybe I would find a song
Giving a voice to all of the hearts that cannot be heard
And for all of the ones who live in fear
And all of those who stand apart
My being there would bring us a little step closer together

They were flying for me
They were flying for everyone
They were trying to see a brighter day for each and everyone

They gave us their light
They gave us their spirit and all they could be
They were flying for me
They were flying for me

And I wanted to wish upon the Milky Way
And dance upon a falling star
I wanted to give myself and free myself, and join myself with it all

Given the chance to dream, it can be done
The promise of tomorrow is real
Children of spaceship Earth
The future belongs to us all

She was flying for me
She was flying for everyone
She was trying to see a brighter day for each and everyone

She gave us her light
She gave us her spirit and all she can be
She was flying for me
They were flying for me
They were flying for everyone
They were trying to see a brighter day for each and everyone

They gave us their light
They gave us their spirit and all they can be
They were flying for me
They were flying for me
They were flying for me
They were flying for me

Il existe de nombreuses raisons de vouloir connaître les paroles de Flying For Me de John Denver.

La raison la plus courante de vouloir connaître les paroles de Flying For Me est que vous l'aimez beaucoup. Évident, n'est-ce pas ?

Sentez-vous comme une star en chantant la chanson Flying For Me de John Denver, même si votre public n'est que vos deux chats.

Une raison très courante de rechercher les paroles de Flying For Me est le fait de vouloir bien les connaître parce qu'elles nous font penser à une personne ou une situation spéciale.

Ce qui arrive plus souvent que nous le pensons est que les gens recherchent les paroles de Flying For Me parce qu'il y a un mot dans la chanson qu'ils ne comprennent pas bien et veulent s'assurer de ce qu'il dit.

Nous espérons vous avoir aidé avec les paroles de la chanson Flying For Me de John Denver.

Rappelez-vous que lorsque vous avez besoin de connaître les paroles d'une chanson, vous pouvez toujours compter sur nous, comme cela vient de se produire avec les paroles de la chanson Flying For Me de John Denver.