Aimes-tu les chansons de Guitar Hero ? Ici, tu trouveras les paroles des chansons de Guitar Hero pour que tu puisses les chanter à tue-tête, les adapter à ta façon ou simplement comprendre leur vrai sens.
Nous avons compilé toutes les paroles des chansons de Guitar Hero que nous avons pu trouver pour que ceux qui, comme toi, cherchent des chansons de Guitar Hero, les trouvent regroupées en un seul endroit.
Trouve ici les paroles de tes chansons préférées de Guitar Hero.
- The Devil Went Down Georgia
- Rock You Like A Hurricane
- Story Of My Life
- Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger
- Heart-Shaped Box
- Maiden, Mother & Crone
- Slow ride
- Suck My Kiss
- Take it Off
- When You Were Young
- (Can't Get My) Head Around You
- 18 And Life
- 2 Minutes To Midnight
- 20th Century Boy
- 21st Century Schizoid Man
- 3's & 7's
- A Culpa É de Quem?
- A-Punk
- Ace Of Spades
- Adam's song
- All Along The Watchtower
- All Of This
- All the Pretty Faces
- American Girl
- Anarchy In The U.K.
- Anna Júlia
- Arterial Black
- Até Quando?
- Avalancha
- B.Y.O.B.
- Back in the Saddle
- Back Round
- Bad Reputation
- Ballroom Blitz
- Balls to the wall
- Bang Your Head
- Bark At The Moon
- Barracuda
- Bat Country
- Bathroom Wall
- Beast And The Harlot
- Beat It
- Because, It's Midnight
- Been Caught Stealing
- Before I Forget
- Behind Blue Eyes
- Behind The Mask
- Billion Dolar Babies
- Black Magic Woman
- Black Rain
- Black Tongue (Yeah Yeah Yeahs)
- Blackout
- Bleed American
- Bleed It Out
- Blitzkrieg Bop
- Blue Day
- Blue Orchid
- Bodies
- Bohemian Rhapsody
- Brain stew
- Brianstorm
- Bright Light Fright
- Bring Me To Life
- Bring The Noise 20XX
- Bullet With Butterfly Wings
- Bulls On Parade
- Burn - Deep Purple
- Burnin' For You
- Californication
- Calling
- Can't be Saved
- Can't You Hear Me Knockin'
- Carry me home
- Carry on Wayward Son
- Caugth In a Mosh
- Cavemen Rejoice
- Cavemen Rejoice - The Bags
- Cheat on the Church
- Cheat On The Church - Graveyard BBQ
- Cherry Bomb
- Cherry Pie
- Cherub Rock
- Chic 'n' Stu
- Chocolate Rain
- Cigarettes, Wedding Bands
- Cities On Flame With Rock And Roll
- Closer
- Clube Dos Canalhas
- Cochise
- Collide
- Combination
- Come As You Are
- Comedown
- Cowboys From Hell
- Crazy on You
- Cult of Personality
- Cum On Feel The Noise
- Dancing With Myself
- Dani Califonia
- De Volta ao Planeta
- Dead!
- Deadbolt
- Decontrol
- Demon(s)
- Destruir Tudo de Novo
- Dias Atrás
- Disconnected
- Do You Feel Like We Do
- Dois Rios
- Don't Hold Back
- Done With Everything, Die for Nothing
- Dr Phibes Rises Again
- Draw the Line
- Dream Police
- Du Hast
- Elected
- Electric Eye
- Elephant Bones
- Enquanto Houver Sol
- Enter Sandman
- Eu Que Não Amo Você
- Eu Quero Ver o Oco
- Eureka I've Found Love
- Even Flow
- Even Rats
- Evil papagali
- Ex-Girlfriend
- Exagerado
- F.C.P.R.E.M.I.X
- Fall of pangea
- Falling away from me
- Fame
- Fat Lip
- Feel Good Inc.
- Fire It Up
- Free bird
- Free Ride
- Freebird - Lynyrd Skynyrd
- Freedom
- Ftk
- Fury of the Storm
- Gamma Ray
- Generation Rock
- Get Free
- Get ready 2 rokk
- Get Ready 2 Rokk - Freezepop
- Ghost
- Godzilla
- Gratitude
- Guitar Hero
- Guitar Hero - Monkey Steals The Peach
- Hail To The Freaks
- Hangar 18
- Hard To See
- Heart Full Of Black
- Heat Of The Moment
- Helena
- Helicopter
- Hells Bells
- Hey You
- Hier Kommt Alex
- Higher Ground
- Hit Me With Your Best Shot
- Hold On Losely
- Holiday in Cambodia
- Holy Diver
- Holy Wars... The Punishment Due - Megadeth
- How You Remind Me
- Hungry Like The Wolf
- Hurts So Good
- Hush
- I Hate Myself For Loving You
- I Know What I Am
- I Love Rock & Roll
- I Put a Spell On You
- I Ran(so far away)
- I Wanna Be Sedated
- I wanna rock
- I'm Broken
- I'm In The Band
- In My Place
- In The Meantime
- Incinerate
- Indians - Anthrax
- Infected
- Institutionalized
- Iron Man
- Jailbreak
- Jet City Woman
- John the Fisherman
- Judith
- Juicebox
- Keine Lust
- Killer Queen
- Killing In The Name
- Knights Of Cydonia
- Kool Thing
- Kryptonite
- L.A.
- La bamba
- La Grange
- Laid to Rest
- Last Child
- Laughtrack
- Lay Down
- Less Talk More Rokk
- Life Wasted
- Limelight - Rush
- Lithium
- Livin' On a Prayer
- Livin' On The Edge
- Living in chaos
- Lonely is the night
- Looks That Kill
- Losing My Religion
- Love Gun
- Love Me Two Times
- Love Song
- Lucifer sam
- Lust for Life
- Lutar Pelo Que É Meu
- Machinehead
- Madhouse
- Make It
- Make It Wit Chu
- Me Lambe
- Medicate
- Message in a Bottle
- Minus Celsius
- Mirror People
- Misery Business
- Miss Murder
- Mississipi Queen
- Mississipi Queen - Mountain
- Mississippi Queen
- Modern Day Cowboy
- Money For Nothing
- Monkey Steals The Peach
- Monkey Wrench
- Monsoon
- Monsters
- More Than A Feeling
- Mother
- Mother - Dazing
- Motivation
- My Curse
- My Name is Jonas
- Nearly Lost You
- Never Miss a Beat
- No More Mr. Nice Guy
- No One Knows
- No One Like You
- No One To Depend On
- Nothin' But A Good Time
- Nothing Else Matters
- Nothing to Say
- one
- One Big Holiday
- Only a Lad
- Only Happy When It Rains
- Outro Lugar
- Paint It Black
- Paintbox
- Paraíso Proibido
- Paranoid
- Parasite
- Pelados Em Santos
- Phantom Of The Opera
- Play That Funky Music
- Play With Me
- Plug In Baby
- Poison
- Police Truck
- Possum Kingdom
- Pour Some Sugar On Me
- Prayer Of The Refugee
- Pride And Joy
- Psychobilly Freakout
- Push Push (Lady Lightning)
- Radar Love
- Radio Song
- Radium Eyes
- Raining Blood
- Ravenous
- Raw Dog
- Red Barchetta
- Reptilia
- Ring of Fire
- Rock And Roll All Nite
- Rock And Roll, Hoochie Koo
- Rock This Town
- Rockin' in The Free World
- Rockstar
- Round And Round
- Ruby
- Run to the Hills
- Runnin' Down a Dream
- Sabotage
- Sail Your Ship By
- Sail Your Ship By - Count Zero
- Salvation
- Same Old Song
- Saturday Night's Alright (For Fighting)
- Savior
- School's Out
- Schools Out - Alice Cooper
- Scream Aim Fire
- Search and Destroy
- Self Esteem
- Send a Little Love Token
- Será
- Setting Fire To Sleeping Giants
- Seven
- Seven Nation Army
- Seventeen
- Sex on Fire
- Shakin
- Sharp Dressed Man
- She Bangs The Drums
- Shout At The Devil
- Shout It Out Loud
- Sing
- Six
- Six Days a Week
- Slow Hands
- Smells Like Teen Spirit
- Smoke On The Water
- Sneak Out
- So Lonely
- Só por uma noite
- Sowing Season (Yeah)
- Spanish Castle Magic
- Spider-man
- Steady, As She Goes
- Stellar
- Stillborn
- Stop
- Story Of My Life - Social Distortion
- Stray Cat Blues
- Streamline Woman
- Stricken
- Strutter
- Sultans of Swing
- Sunshine Of Your Love
- Supersonic
- Superstition
- Surrender
- Surrender - Cheap Trick
- Sweating Bullets
- Sweet Child O' Mine
- Sympathy for the Devil
- Symphony Of Destruction
- Synchronicity I
- Take me out
- Take This Life
- Talk Dirty To Me
- Tattooed Love Boys
- Teto de Vidro
- The Feel Good Drag
- The Kill
- The Light That Blinds
- The Metal
- The Middle
- The New Black
- The Number Of The Beast
- The Outsider
- The Rock Show
- The Seeker
- The Spirit of Radio
- The Trooper
- The warrior
- The Way It Ends
- Them Bones
- They Say
- This Day We Fight!
- Through The Fire And Flames
- Thunder Kiss '65
- Thunderhorse
- Thunderstruck
- Tom Sawyer
- Tonight I'm Gonna Rock You
- Too Much, Too Young, Too Fast
- Toxicity
- Trippin' On A Hole In A Paper Heart
- Tropa de Elite
- Turning Japanese
- Uncle Salty
- Under Pressure
- Unsung
- Uprising - Muse
- Vira-vira
- Waidmanns Heil
- Wake Me Up When September Ends
- Wannabe in L.A
- Wanted Dead Or Alive
- War Pigs
- We Got The Beat
- We're All Gonna Die
- We're An American Band
- We're Not Gonna Take It
- Welcome To The Jungle
- What I Got
- What I Like About You
- Who Was in My Room Last Night
- Why Bother?
- will you
- Wish
- Wolf Like Me
- Woman
- Woman - Wolfmother
- Woman From Tokyo
- Wonderwall
- Wrathchild
- Yes We Can
- You and Me
- You Give Love a Bad Name
- You Got Another Thing Coming
- You Really Got Me
- Ziggy Stardust
Guitar Hero est un jeu de rythme sorti en 2005 aux États-Unis sur PlayStation 2. Il fait partie de la série Guitar Hero.
Le joueur dirige un guitariste et doit parvenir à jouer des chansons de rock avec le moins de fausses notes possible. Il est possible de jouer avec une guitare dédiée au jeu, ou à la manette.
Nous te recommandons de visiter toutes les paroles des chansons de Guitar Hero, tu pourrais tomber amoureux de certaines que tu ne connaissais pas encore.
Il arrive souvent que lorsque tu aimes une chanson d'un groupe ou d'un artiste en particulier, tu aimes aussi d'autres de leurs chansons. Donc, si tu aimes une chanson de Guitar Hero, il est probable que tu aimes beaucoup d'autres chansons de Guitar Hero.
Analyser les paroles des chansons de Guitar Hero peut être très amusant et si tu aimes composer, cela peut t'aider à trouver des formules pour créer tes propres compositions.
Comme toujours, nous essayons de nous améliorer et de grandir, donc si tu n'as pas trouvé les paroles des chansons de Guitar Hero que tu cherchais, reviens bientôt, car nous mettons fréquemment à jour nos bases de données pour offrir toutes les chansons de Guitar Hero et de nombreux autres artistes le plus rapidement possible.
Si tu as trouvé la chanson de Guitar Hero que tu aimes dans cette liste, partage-la avec tes proches.
Parfois, les chansons de Guitar Hero nous aident à exprimer ce que nous pensons ou ressentons. Est-ce ton cas ?