Paroles de 'Father Of All' par Green Day

Vous voulez connaître les paroles de Father Of All de Green Day ? Vous êtes au bon endroit.

Sur notre site web, nous avons les paroles complètes de la chanson Father Of All que vous recherchiez.

Si vous avez longtemps cherché les paroles de la chanson Father Of All de Green Day, commencez à échauffer votre voix, car vous ne pourrez pas arrêter de la chanter.

I woke up to a message of love
Choking up on the smoke from above
I'm obsessed with the poison and us
What a mess 'cause there's no one to trust

Huh-uh, come on, honey
Huh-uh, count your money
Huh-uh, what's so funny?
There's a riot living inside of us

I got paranoia, baby
And it's so hysterical
Cracking up under the pressure
Looking for a miracle

Huh-uh, come on, honey
Lying in a bed of blood and money
Huh-uh, what's so funny?
We are rivals in the riot inside us

I'm impressed with the presence of none
I'm possessed by the heat of the Sun
Hurry up 'cause I'm making a fuss
Fingers up 'cause there's no one to trust

Huh-uh, come on, honey
Huh-uh, count your money
Huh-uh, what's so funny?
There's a riot living inside of us

I got paranoia, baby
And it's so hysterical
Cracking up under the pressure
Looking for a miracle

Huh-uh, come on, honey
Lying in a bed of blood and money
Huh-uh, what's so funny?
We are rivals in the riot inside us

Huh-uh, come on, honey
Lying in a bed of blood and money
Huh-uh, what's so funny?
We are rivals in the riot inside us

Huh-uh, come on, honey
Lying in a bed of blood and money
Huh-uh, what's so funny?
We are rivals in the riot inside us
Uh-huh, yeah

Il existe de nombreuses raisons de vouloir connaître les paroles de Father Of All de Green Day.

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