Paroles de 'The Other Girl' par George Barnett

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As i lie in thoughts of gold, period drama meets sci-fi porn
The buzz in my head matches the buzz of my phone, dead weather ringtone, lust on call girl of clean eternal love, proud and soft who touched my soul
But i get kicks from opposites and dirty rhythms take their toll
Guilty pounding in my chest - envy greed and lust are wrong
But moans and screams make up her album, creamy fluids sing my song
Oh she must be made by eros, seven hours of coming strong
Silhouettes of us pulsating, pleasure pushing all night long
Stop. passions overflowing, can't forget my sunshine girl
Woman of a holy aura, cleanly breathes and loves my world
Oh, but i can't resist making slinky sultry love with this,
A masterpiece in horny, hot and raunchy sexual worlds
Can't go on, can't go on with these lies, these racy lies i've spun
Feed my brain with thoughts of carnal tongues and fingers, make her come
End this now you heartless beast, and regain some morality, but my golden girl is gagging now, so call her up yeah she makes three.

Oh i love my pretty woman
My woman loves me
When we go to bed at night we sleep furiously
So this is like my sexual showdown
Mac versus pc
But i find i can use both systems simultaneously

So here i am in softened light, electric racing through my head
My girl looks at new girl's body, beauty hard that takes her breath
Dirty woman sees my lady staring at her naked frame
My baby looks away quick, but this fiery tiger can't be tamed
New girl stands and starts her stroking, fingers straying over skin
My gorgeous girl is fascinated, her resistance wearing thin
Mistress touches my girl's lips, the older woman in control
But my girl moves like aphrodite - starts to dirty her own soul
Zips unzip and bras discarded, beauty shines from all around
Sex explorers are the visual, heavy breathing is the sound
Busty bouncing on my matress, full and stunning chests are these
My girl's big but new girl's huge, down which i have lost my keys
Golden girl's compliance shocks me, no longer righteous and shy
She is in control now yeah she's getting down and riding high
Quickened breath, heart rates increasing, bodies slick so hot they burn
My girl shudders screams and comes, and touches me like, 'it's your turn'

Oh i love my pretty woman
My woman loves me
When we go to bed at night we sleep furiously
So this is like my sexual showdown
Mac versus pc
But i find i can use both systems simultaneously

Apple is of course my sacred, kind and radiant love
Windows is a clunky junkie
Never gets enough
She's virus ridden
Sex drive revving
Rocks my climax world
And even when i'm so in love
I want this other girl

Oh, love and purity is such a fickle state
Too long have people tried to suppress the urge to copulate
Oh, baby i can send you to climactic shrieks
You can't control my fish-like shoal, springing you a leak

Oh i love my pretty woman
My woman loves me
When we go to bed at night we sleep furiously
So this is like my sexual showdown
Mac versus pc
But i find i can use both systems simultaneously

Apple is of course my sacred, kind and radiant love
Windows is a clunky junkie
Never gets enough
She's virus ridden
Sex drive revving
Rocks my climax world
And even when i'm so in love
I want this other girl

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