Paroles de 'Leela: Orphan Of The Stars' par Futurama

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Who is this one eyed female baby moses?
With courage in her female babies smile?

A savior from the stars
Or something stranger still

Or just a lonely filthy starving child

Leela! Leela, leela save him
Save fry! Gave fry! Godzilla
Will devour him as for me I must be off
To have my doctor check this cough

To win leela's heart with the holophoner's art
I need hands of transcendental quickness

[Robot devil]
Well I don't see any danger
In gambling with a stranger
For my head is of a most amazing thickness

I'm stupid! I'm stupid! I'm stupider than you
I'm stupider than you in every way

[Robot devil]
Bah! This opera is as lousy as it is brilliant
Your lyrics lack subtelty
You can't just have your characters announce how they feel
That makes me feel angry!

Look, what do you want?

Robot devil (singing)
I want my hands back!

A deals a deal, even with a dirty dealer

[Robot devil]
Very well, then I'll take what I want from leela!
Leela has promised me her hand

Fry, you do not understand!

I should have revealed I've been deafened by bender
The shame, the shame
But I feared you'd stop writing this musical splendor
Deceptions', the curse of my whimsical gender
He gave me mechanical ears
Effective yet just a bit garish
In return without shedding a tear
I agreed that I'd give him my hand

[Robot devil]
In marriage


[Robot devil]
You'll give me your hand in marriage

Is this really happening or just being staged?

It can't be real

Not if leela is engaged

That isn't what I meant, that isn't what I signed

[Robot devil]
You should have checked the wording in the fine

I'll give you my hand

[Leela/robot devil]
In marriage

The use of words expressing something other than
Their literal intentions, now that, is, irony!

[Robot devil]
I will marry her now and confide her to hell
How droll, how droll!
Where styx is a river and not just a band
Though they'll play our reception if all goes as planned
Unless fry you surrender my hands!!

Destiny has cheated me, by
Forcing me to decide upon
The woman that I idolize
Or the hands of an automotan

Without these hands I can't complete
The opera that was captivating her but if I keep
Them, and she marries him
Then he probably won't want me dating her

I can't believe the devil is so unforgiving

I can't believe everybody is just ad-libbing!

[Robot preacher]
By the power invested in me by the state of new New York

No!! Stop!
Take my hands, you evil! Detal! Dork!!

[Robot devil]

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Ce qui arrive plus souvent que nous le pensons est que les gens recherchent les paroles de Leela: Orphan Of The Stars parce qu'il y a un mot dans la chanson qu'ils ne comprennent pas bien et veulent s'assurer de ce qu'il dit.

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