Paroles de 'The World Gone Mad' par Franz Ferdinand

Vous voulez connaître les paroles de The World Gone Mad de Franz Ferdinand ? Vous êtes au bon endroit.

Sur notre site web, nous avons les paroles complètes de la chanson The World Gone Mad que vous recherchiez.

The World Gone Mad est une chanson de Franz Ferdinand dont les paroles ont été innombrablement recherchées, c'est pourquoi nous avons décidé qu'elle méritait sa place sur ce site web, avec beaucoup d'autres paroles de chansons que les internautes souhaitent connaître.

Si vous avez longtemps cherché les paroles de la chanson The World Gone Mad de Franz Ferdinand, commencez à échauffer votre voix, car vous ne pourrez pas arrêter de la chanter.

The Worlds Gone Mad
Where's the love
Where's the love
Where's the love

Cause the worlds gone bad we've lost the love we had

Hey look kids you need to change your tune
That avenue you traveling unraveling soon
You'll be battling doom but does it matter to you
Worried bout who was laughing at you
Your appearance is more important that whats really real
Cause here it is situation's bad not meaning good
A lot be in the hood that got me with nowhere to put my trust in no discussion
Spontaneous combustion
Lust and greed if you ain't up to speed
You's a duck in need
Cats ain't got enough to eat
So there's bluffs and beef
Chicks up the street
That tricks come to see guns under the sheets
Shells pummel your meat
Forgetting former, still dude you're sorta chill sitting on bout 40 mill
But his whole quart'll get spilled
Over those sort of deals
That get you sorta killed or up in court looking for appeals

Cause the worlds gone bad we've lost the love we had
Take me away
Cause the worlds gone bad we've lost the love we had

So down I want to go
So cold I have to go
So down I need to go
So cold as I go

Yo what up fam
You don't know who I am
Last week you was acting like you was my man
But you wasn't hey
Served you're purpose dog
At the end of the day
Is it worth it all
Immersed in all the worth the world got to offer
But perpetrating proper like nothing can stop ya
Can't even trust my doctor she in it for profit
And everybody looking for some kind of profit
Situation mad toxic my man got hit
Cause the bird he was with wouldn't stop squawking
She juggling five cats and they all lost in
The illusion of love that she used for profit
The usual topic chickens and benjamins
You supposed to be my kin Mexican or Asian European or Korean or Jamaican
Makes no difference
Our existence is still shared between us in essence

Yes the worlds gone bad we've lost the love we had
Take me away
Cause the worlds gone bad we've lost the love we had

Show some love for your brothers and sisters
Show some love for the whole wide world
Show some love for your enemies and frenemies
Show some love for the rejects on the street
Show some love for the whole wide world

Cause the worlds gone bad we've lost the love we had

If the world is bad refer to your dad
And his before four score what's the reason he saw for
Karma is real part of the deal when's how you started the deal
Cause everything is 360
It will start the cartwheel and snowballs so don't forget now cause I told y'all
Dead the hate cause all it do is hold y'all captive
All in the world you're trapped in
Relaxing you can't feel what's happening
I deal with facts man
I was at the crossroads dealing with lost souls that couldn't cross though
Lost hope off dope
Out to jostle
Any unweary traveler that would fall the talk show
It's foul how they play it
But you can't stray to show love take
Courage and strength and realize we ain't sure as we think you know

The worlds gone bad we've lost the love we had
Take me away
Yes the worlds gone bad we've lost the love we had
So down I want to go
So cold I have to go
So down I need to go
So cold as I go

Cause the worlds gone crazy
Even though love no more

Cause the worlds gone bad

La raison la plus courante de vouloir connaître les paroles de The World Gone Mad est que vous l'aimez beaucoup. Évident, n'est-ce pas ?

Quand on aime vraiment une chanson, comme cela pourrait être votre cas avec The World Gone Mad de Franz Ferdinand, on souhaite pouvoir la chanter en connaissant bien les paroles.

Savoir ce que disent les paroles de The World Gone Mad nous permet de mettre plus de sentiment dans l'interprétation.

Une raison très courante de rechercher les paroles de The World Gone Mad est le fait de vouloir bien les connaître parce qu'elles nous font penser à une personne ou une situation spéciale.

Nous espérons vous avoir aidé avec les paroles de la chanson The World Gone Mad de Franz Ferdinand.

Apprenez les paroles des chansons que vous aimez, comme The World Gone Mad de Franz Ferdinand, que ce soit pour les chanter sous la douche, faire vos propres covers, les dédier à quelqu'un ou gagner un pari.

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