Paroles de 'All My Rowdy Friends Have Settled Down' par Elliott Smith

All my rowdy friends have settled down
And they seem to be more in the laid back songs
Nobody wants to get drunk and get loud
Everybody just wants to go back home
I myself have seen my wilder days
And I have seen my name at the top of the page
But I need to find a friend just to hang around
But nobody wants to get high on the town
And all my rowdy friends have settled down

Yeah, I think I know what my father meant when he sang about a lost highway
And old George Jones I'm glad to see he's finally getting straight
And Waylon staying home and loving Jesse more these days
And nobody wants to get drunk and get loud
And all my rowdy friends have settled down

And the hangovers hurt more then they used to
And omething something, and ice teas took the place of pills and ninety-proof
And none of us seem to do things quite like we used to do
And nobody wants to get high and get loud
And all my rowdy friends have settled down

Yeah me and my rowdy friends done rowdied on down

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