Paroles de 'Last Song' par Elefante

Si vous avez longtemps cherché les paroles de la chanson Last Song de Elefante, commencez à échauffer votre voix, car vous ne pourrez pas arrêter de la chanter.

I write with a great vengeance
Sort of like i'm innocent, facing a death sentence
Like i might not even finish my next sentence
Like all i got left to live is ten seconds
The clock's ticking, this could be my last song
My last will if you will before i pass on
I'd like to pass on some words that'd last long
And mean something even after rap's gone
Despite all the wickedness in the wilderness
And the fact that my life kinda been a mess
If i die tomorrow, i feel no bitterness
No sorrow and not one bit of stress
I'm feeling blessed that i made it this far
My 26th year, my 14th bar
I see the sunshine, feel the bassline
Listen to it, telling us not to waste time 'cause..
[chorus: ranto *sung*]
[r] if i die tomorrow
[p] and this was my last song
I would
[r] feel no kind of sorrow
[p] nah, i would shatter no tears, but
[r] i'd smile at my memories
[p] yes i, how you feel supreme?
[r] and pray for my enemies
[s] feeling good, p
[verse 2: supreme]
Man, tough i'm sad, i had to go and all
I'm so glad i got to know you all
Don't feel bad, i hope i told you all
We had one hell of a ride so far
If i did die (oh lord), no need to cry (oh lord)
'cause i've been around
I've been around friends who's been around since
My story begins, seen my flaws and sins
I had the women (loved them all)
Most the bads was my fault
Hope you forgive me and remember me by our happiest memories
I tend to be afraid to give me heart away (but you was my light)
And if it's dark today, i know you'll rise and shine someway
I went away on my way up, but that's a good way to leave
Believe me when i say: "you made it easy being me."
(r: so easy-ah)
Darling you made it easy being me
Ranto, help me out
(r: uuuh, so easy-ah, i want to thank you)
[chorus w/ variations]
[verse 3: supreme + promoe]
And mom, you taught me how to see things from the bright side
That's why my brother survived, why you and dad stayed tight
Though you divorced and broke up, now i ran out of luck
But i know you grow stronger when the going gets tough
Hope i made you proud, hope you didn't worry too much
About my drinking and drugs, it never came between us
Didn't keep no secrets, i always told you about stuff
And i know you know i love you and to me that's enough
So if i die rich and famous in the hall of fame
Or in a prison nameless with a ball and chain
Sky high above the clouds and the falling rain
Making love to my woman, hear her call my name
Or banging my head against a brick wall in pain
If the last days of my life i was called insane
It's all love 'cause it's all the same
And if i'd get a new life, nothing at all i'd change
[chorus w/ variations]
[verse 4: supreme + promoe]
I wouldn't undo if i could.. hell, maybe i should
But it's one life to live, one love, it's all good
Think i did okay, at least enjoyed it while it lasted
Think 'bout how we laughed, shit, i'm smiling in my casket
Though i may have caused some beefs
And indeed i regret all
May have pissed off my peeps
Best believe i won't forget y'all
When i'm chilling in hip-hop heaven or spitting burners in hell
Hope you got your health and you're at peace with yourself
Became older and wiser, i hope you toast to my name
I sit beside you guys even tough my bones in the grave
I got so much more to say but this the end of the song
So just rewind the tape and don't mind singing along
Come on!
[chorus w/ variations]
[outro 2x: ranto *sung*]
If this was the last song
And these were the last days
If the show really can't go on
Then i'm catching the train
(and i'll be gone)

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